
SURF Venice v3e


Feb 14, 2010
Venice - An arena surf holding the jail, a pro surf, a bonus surf (with rewards), an obstacle course.

Originally made in late 2011, updated to my current standards.

The map contains an arena surf which holds the jail, a pro surf leading to the skybox, and two challenge areas: surf and an obstacle course - each with their own specific rewards.

There are two capture points but capturing them do not end the round, there is also the base elements of player destruction so you can kill players to gain flags (whoever has the most flags on each team gets a dispenser and is seen through walls).

Thanks to Azelphur and The Outpost for letting me beta test on their servers.



Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
You'd be surprised, Asd417. With vertex manipulation one can achieve lovely results. I expect Egan has split some faces here from squares in to triangles so they don't cause face tearing, but the gradients are so smooth in terms of surfaces and lightmaps it's hard to tell. I have great respect for mappers who can produce this wondrous surfing architecture.


Feb 5, 2016
You'd be surprised, Asd417. With vertex manipulation one can achieve lovely results. I expect Egan has split some faces here from squares in to triangles so they don't cause face tearing, but the gradients are so smooth in terms of surfaces and lightmaps it's hard to tell. I have great respect for mappers who can produce this wondrous surfing architecture.

Alternatively they could be wedges created using the by the wedge option in the primitive category in the prefabs.


Feb 14, 2010
Version 3 - May 24, 2020.

Notable fixes:
- fix for the broken water texture in v2 in the main areas (it wasn't displaying as broken for me when v2 launched...).
- make the breakable barriers exiting jail taller, and are doors controlled by the same exit button as the other existing 'doors' exiting jail (the things that move up).
- add usable rocketlauncher things that attack jail from up on the walkway.
- fix/tidy up some broken secrets. fix some missing sounds that were in v1e but didnt get properly added to v2. add some more secrets for good measure.
- remove the text about me being done with surf. it was embarrassing to myself and others, sorry about that.

Read the rest of this update entry...


Feb 14, 2010
surf_venice_v3c changes:
- nerfed the ultra-secret that used to make you have x5 health and x5 damage/blastradius, now only does the health. the x5 damage and blastradius was SO SO SO overpowered that using it would make half the enemy team quit out of the game. hindsight is 20/20.
- added some amount of blue-color values into the ColorCorrection in redmode, so players can see some amounts of blue players even when redmode is activated.
-- also increased the brightness of some of the lights in the pro section to help navigation during redmode.
-- added an additional 3.5 minutes to the delay between redmode re-activation. it was getting spammed too much / was too annoying.
- added a secret way into the bowl-minigame from the ultrasecret location, unlocks only after 22 minutes into the round so its not game breaking. this can only be manually activated once per map, but the result is the minigame being activated 3 times in a row.
-- buffed the bowl-minigame mechanics a lot.
- added some of those trails that surf players like so much. 1 is admin noclip only. 2 are found by being the first to complete some existing secrets.

Most of the changes were suggested by members of the Skial TF2 surf server, who have been playing this map a bunch. :)

Read the rest of this update entry...