Timers: Something all TF2 mappers need to include.


L1: Registered
Dec 14, 2007
Normally somebody might just rant about how important it is to include timers in your maps so that the game sessions don't go on and on and on forever and ever. And while it is important to explain WHY timers are needed, I think anyone who has actually PLAYED on a TF2 map by this point realizes that even the best maps out there are lacking a seriously important ingredient: sudden death. I'm sorry but without sudden death the matches can last as long as 4 hours and a four hour stalemate gets really boring. If we are going to make lots and lots of maps and expect them all to get featured we're going to have to have a better method of ROTATING those maps.

THEREFORE. Here, before you all today I present THIS:


Because unlike most people I don't just rant. I supply you, the mapping community, with a tool which you can use to better your maps. Just paste a timer on in there. The music's cool too, though optional.


Buster Charlie

I guess it depends on if you want people to play your map or switch servers because they hate 4 hour stalemates.


Oct 25, 2007
Yeah, CTF is fine. lrn2decompile. I didn't know what half the stuff was when I ported Mach entity-wise, but it was like the first CTF map and it has the setstalemateontimelimit :p