Is worms reloaded any good? And I mean armageddon good
Nope. For a start, the roping is awful. You can't gain any momentum when you bounce of walls and upon releasing the rope you simply fall downwards instead of moving across from side-to-side. This essentially rules out about half the most popular schemes which happen to heavily involve the rope. It's so crippled that
you can't perform any of the fun tricks that you could in WA.
The whole game reeks of CONSOLE PORT. Yes, there are good console ports but this game is what people typically associate with a console port; IE, little to no consideration has been taken in order to please PC gamers.
The UI is gigantic and it shows that they didn't bother to change it from the 360 version. For instance, the weapon panel takes up the entire screen unlike in WA where it would take up a small amount of space in the bottom-right corner. The worse thing is that the weapons aren't organised in a logical manner like in WA. You just have rows upon rows of weapons with no f-key grouping at all. So everytime you want to use a weapon which doesn't have an f-key (aka all the new weapons not featured in WA) you have to open up the gigantic behemoth of a menu then move your cursor all around the screen to select what you want.
The menus are equally bad. There are no dropdown boxes. Instead you have to manually scroll left/right through items which makes scheme editing incredibly tedious. Long names scroll from left to right despite there being plenty of screen real-estate to display the full name without scrolling. The element which shows where each team stands in the game only appears between turns. Why? I have no idea.
The controls have been fiddled with. Now there is only the forward jump and the backflip whereas WA had both those as well as a backjump, standing jump and a short backflip. Girder rotation? Think it's still the arrow keys? Nope. It's the enter key to rotate girders now.
In multiplayer you cannot open the chat window between turns. Instead you have to sit and stare at a 'waiting for players...' message until the next person's turn becomes active. You can't look around before you start your turn...
I'll stop now. Basically, keep your money until they update the game. So far, it's got nothing over good old WA.