TF2 Map Workshop Server Configuration


Mar 1, 2010
May have missed it in this thread, but I just discovered that trying to upload a map to the workshop that has already been repacked causes custom props/ materials not to load properly. I had this issue on Probed and I reuploaded a non-repacked version and it worked fine.

My assumption is it's repacking it a second time and breaking things.


L1: Registered
Jul 24, 2015
I have two questions:
1. A map couldn't load because it cuts the last few digits from the number of the map when it tries to load it. When it fails, it says it's going to load the next but it's loading again the same map so the cycle continues until restart. Anyone encountering this? I assume it's something with sourcemod (using latest), but this is basically the first time I see this since the update on 18 august.
2. Did valve remove bsp_repack? I'm getting unknown command.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Hi, Admiral.

I think I have been encountering the same problem, I recorded my server output and it seems SourceMod is missing a digit off the end of a UGC ID, failing to load a map and then just repeatedly trying:
Server has been empty for 60 seconds on this map, cycling map as per mp_mapcycle_empty_timeout_seconds
CHANGE LEVEL: workshop/koth_frozenrails.ugc454366797
L 09/04/2015 - 01:18:16: [SM] Changed map to "workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212"
[TF Workshop] Preparing map ID 45414212
[TF Workshop] Map ID 45414212 isn't tracked, adding
[TF Workshop] Tracked map 45414212 has no filename and will not sync
[TF Workshop] Map failed to sync, load will not go well :(
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212.bsp'
Unable to change level!
In gameover, but failed to load the next map. Trying next map in cycle.
CHANGE LEVEL: workshop/arena_byre_rc2a.ugc454142123
L 09/04/2015 - 01:18:16: [SM] Changed map to "workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212"
[TF Workshop] Preparing map ID 45414212
[TF Workshop] Tracked map 45414212 has no filename and will not sync
[TF Workshop] Map failed to sync, load will not go well :(
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212.bsp'
Unable to change level!
In gameover, but failed to load the next map. Trying next map in cycle.
CHANGE LEVEL: workshop/454372402
L 09/04/2015 - 01:18:17: [SM] Changed map to "workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212"
[TF Workshop] Preparing map ID 45414212
[TF Workshop] Tracked map 45414212 has no filename and will not sync
[TF Workshop] Map failed to sync, load will not go well :(
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212.bsp'
Unable to change level!
In gameover, but failed to load the next map. Trying next map in cycle.
CHANGE LEVEL: workshop/pd_watergate_rc3.ugc456016898
L 09/04/2015 - 01:18:17: [SM] Changed map to "workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212"
[TF Workshop] Preparing map ID 45414212
[TF Workshop] Tracked map 45414212 has no filename and will not sync
[TF Workshop] Map failed to sync, load will not go well :(
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid:  No such map 'maps/workshop/arena_byre.ugc45414212.bsp'
Unable to change level!
In gameover, but failed to load the next map. Trying next map in cycle.
I deleted SourceMod and installed a fresh copy. I even installed the latest snapshot but it changed nothing. I ran the server with no cvars in the server.cfg. When I run the maps on a vanilla server I get no problems, so I have had to disable SourceMod on my new public server and am just running stock. I took a trip to AlliedMods but didn't see any chat about it.

bsp_repack is working for me. Though I have found something new. If you type the command on its own it says it has a new parameter, -nocompress. I have experimented and it looks like this parameter decompresses the map back to its full size, though with a few bytes difference, so I think the map will not be identical to its previous uncompressed version. I think bspzip.exe has the same parameter, actually. Your TF2 should have this command, so you might want to validate it, unless you have a special version. You can always repack outside of the game with bspzip. Check this thread out for info. on how to do that.


L1: Registered
Jul 24, 2015
Meh that sucks, because I wanted sourcemod because of the end of the map vote. I'll try disabling only the map plugins, should be ok. Did you have randomcycle active when it gave you the error?

About the repack function I'm not sure what's wrong. I updated/validated, but when I write it in the console it still says Uknown command "bsp_repack". It works on my client, but not on the server. When you said it works for you, did you mean client or server?

Muda Muda Muda

L1: Registered
Aug 7, 2011
I'm running sourcemod from the dev branch since a week ago, one of the 1.8 versions windows server. It works fine. No more cutting off of ID's on long names.

The only problem I'm seeing now is with people getting [TF Workshop] Map failed to sync errors. Most people have been able to connect with no problems though. Not sure about the errors or best fix. Just been telling people to try sub/unsub validate and or delete the map files.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Hi, folks.

Yes, bsp_repack is for map authors in the game client. Sorry if I made you think otherwise.

Thanks for the info., Muda. I spoke to Powerlord, who is a SourceMod programmer who knows a lot about Workshop functionality, and this is what he said:
Having read your post on TF2Maps, you're probably running into a bug in one of the plugins where it assumes the map name is only 31 characters long (plus the string terminator).

Sadly, this was pretty common for a long time.

At a guess, you're running into issues with the NextMap plugin, but I can't say that for sure.

If you have to, you can use the version of nextmap.smx that comes with a SourceMod 1.8 snapshot. As far as I know, it works with SourceMod 1.7, but it has increased the size of the strings it uses to store the game's mapcyclefile in. I should know, I wrote the changes for it.

I've made some additional changes to SourceMod and its plugins to provide some extra nicities for Workshop maps, but it hasn't been accepted into the SourceMod core... yet.
I can confirm that my server ran fine without nextmap.smx, and with the version from the latest 1.8 snapshot.

I am having a new problem. I deleted all the Workshop maps and the ACF file from my two testing servers (SM and vanilla) and now the server will not change level to any of them. The server tries to download them but after a while it gives an error in console, yet the maps have actually been downloaded to steamapps/workshop/downloads. They should have been moved out in to the content directory. If you have a server with working Workshop maps, don't delete anything just in case it fucks up.

If anyone else can confirm this problem themselves I will send the information to the TF Team.

[TF Workshop] New version available for map, download queued [ workshop/koth_probed_rc2.ugc454139808 ]
[TF Workshop] New version available for map, download queued [ workshop/pl_borneo_rc4.ugc454139147 ]
[TF Workshop] New version available for map, download queued [ workshop/arena_byre_rc2a.ugc454142123 ]
[TF Workshop] Map download failed with result 16 [ workshop/koth_probed_rc2.ugc454139808 ]
[TF Workshop] Map download failed with result 16 [ workshop/pl_borneo_rc4.ugc454139147 ]
[TF Workshop] Map download failed with result 16 [ workshop/arena_byre_rc2a.ugc454142123 ]


L3: Member
May 8, 2010
OK, I know I'm bumping an old topic, but I do actually have new information.

SourceMod 1.8 has been the new stable release for about a month now. SourceMod 1.8 has a new function in it named GetMapDisplayName whose sole purpose is to extract the friendly name. All of the core plugins that deal with maps have been upgraded to use this.

If you're using Valve's vote menus, there's a plugin named [TF2] Map Voting Tweaks which updates the maps listed in the Valve map vote with their friendly names.

Map Voting Tweaks doesn't work with newer versions of the NativeVotes plugin as they both override the callvote command and SourceMod calls them in a semi-random order so you don't know which plugin will get control first.

Speaking of which, I'm also testing a new version of the NativeVotes server plugin, along with ports of the SourceMod Mapchooser, Nominations, and RockTheVote plugins to use NativeVotes menus.

NativeVotes 1.1 has the ability to override options in Valve's vote menu. The NativeVotes versions of Nominations and RockTheVote override specific votes in the list. RockTheVote overrides the Change Level vote, while Nominations overrides both Next Level and Change Level.

Just as importantly, the Nominations plugin also updates the maps in the Valve voting list just like Map Voting Tweaks does. It uses the nominations list rather than the mapcycle.

While this may confuse players slightly at first, it makes these votes much more accessible to players who are used to the Valve voting system. If you want to see how these look, I have them running on my test server ( ). There are 11 workshop maps on that server out of the 103 maps on that server.

On a side note, I've been told that I might need to update the SM (and NativeVotes) Nominations and RockTheVote plugins to delay when they generate their internal map lists as the game server isn't always finished processing tf_workshop_map_sync commands before they're generated on the first map.