Textures won't show on Source Hammer when I open a file


L1: Registered
Apr 12, 2024
I've recently started to try and learn how to create maps on Source Hammer, and so far I've been following UEAKCrash's tutorial on YouTube to help with understanding the program. I got to a certain point where I felt as if I needed a break, so I saved my current map (which at the time displayed the textures) and decided to continue at a later time. However, when I went to open the file back up, all the textures/colors had been removed from the file from what I could see on Hammer. The odd part about this is that everything, which includes textures, skyboxes and lighting works just fine when I boot up the map onto TF2, but not in the program itself. I'll share some pictures as a visual representation for everything.


Is this an actual bug or is this just a common beginner question I'm unaware of?


the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Sep 10, 2016
In Hammer, you need to click on the black box in the top right of your 3D view that says "camera".
This will give you a dropdown list of view types, which you need to change to "3D Shaded Textured Polygons".