Team Skeletons

Team Skeletons a1

Aug 26, 2016
Stack Man submitted a new resource:

Team Skeletons - Red and Blue

Lets you spawn Red and Blue team skeletons using tf_zombie_spawner. Powered by VScript.

The trigger_multiplesin the prefab convert unteamed and unamed skeletons to a specific team. A trigger for neutral skeletons exists to name them, preventing them from being converted elsewhere.

Simply place or copy a trigger over a tf_zombie_spawner and any skeletons that spawn will convert to that team.

Other notes:
  • The trigger_multiples have only the flag NPCs checked
  • the .nut file...

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Mar 10, 2008
Thanks for uploading this! I needed exactly such a feature. However, I didn't want to use vscript so I just emailed Eric about the missing option on the tf_zombie_spawner entity. ....and about two weeks later they actually added it with the recent TF2 update.

tldr: It's now possible to set the team directly on the tf_zombie_spawner entity (or via input) so there is no more need for using vscript.