Super Mario Galaxy 2


L6: Sharp Member
Oct 31, 2009
SMG2 came out today (for the Americans, WE GOT IT BEFORE JAPAN ;P), so I ran out and bought it (best 53 dollars I've spent in awhile).

I plug it my dusty Wii, slide in the disk, relize it needs to update, go down stairs to get cheese it's, run back up, wait 10 minutes, THEN I restart my wii and start playing.

First look at the game disc was a little...morbid. The disc has the ship you use to fly around the universe on it. Normally this would be cool, but the ship is mario's head... I kid you not.

The opening scene was pretty cool, it played out like a story book in a 3-d platformer (super scout bro's style). Towards the end of the stroll you see a castle in flames, only to be squander by a gigantic Bowser. He says a few things, that sound mysterious erotic (I'm to big for this puny planet, I'm gonna stick it in the center of the universe). Bowser then storms off and leaves me to play a re-hashed tutorial level. The boss fight of aforementioned level was a rip off of the first SMG's boss (needless to say, disappointing).

After 33 stars I am here to make few stabs and jokes at Nintendo we can all laugh and enjoy.

With the addition of yoshi's, you can lick anything to eat it, or shake it down for starbits. Same goes for co-op play, as you control a baby luma who can beat up turtles on pheno-flex.

Unlike SMG, SMG2 has a higher emphasis on coins, this being as you can feed them to Lumas!!! My reaction was like "omgz, I can givez Luma nickle posinng?"

Alot of the soundtrack is a remix of the old Which isn't per-say "bad" but not great.

Same goes for a lot of the levels, I feel like I've seen them before. (Then again, I have played like every mario game so...go figure).

If you feel like adding your thoughts on Nintendo (trolls begone), your thoughts on the gamplay, and spoilers, go ahead ;)


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 4, 2009
My first introduction to this game was a couple days ago when someone linked me to the (awesome) music for the "Throwback Galaxy" and I read a description of it, which immediately made me worry that it was just a rip-off of the level Banjoland's concept from Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (bear in mind that all I had to go off of was a bit of text telling me that it was "a level based on a combination of parts of past Mario games" - which is exactly what Banjoland was for Banjo-Kazooie). Watching a couple videos now though, I can actually see what it looks like, and I see that it's not like that at all - it really is just a port of an awesome level from an awesome game (SM64's Whomp's Fortress). :O

If ye want to see for yourself and haven't already otherwise, here's what I'm watching right now:

That said, I have no Wii console and thus cannot get this game. If I did I probably would get it though, even though I kinda grew bored with Mario a while ago when all the newer games started to look the same to me. Looks like they're getting it closer to right this time around though.


Jan 6, 2008
I'm really excited for this, but it comes out June 11 in Europe. Nintendo shows its hate for us again... :(
Feb 14, 2008
Maybe I should get this, IGN and Gamespot gave it a rare 10 :O


L4: Comfortable Member
Oct 14, 2009
My first introduction to this game was a couple days ago when someone linked me to the (awesome) music for the "Throwback Galaxy" and I read a description of it, which immediately made me worry that it was just a rip-off of the level Banjoland's concept from Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (bear in mind that all I had to go off of was a bit of text telling me that it was "a level based on a combination of parts of past Mario games" - which is exactly what Banjoland was for Banjo-Kazooie). Watching a couple videos now though, I can actually see what it looks like, and I see that it's not like that at all - it really is just a port of an awesome level from an awesome game (SM64's Whomp's Fortress). :O

If ye want to see for yourself and haven't already otherwise, here's what I'm watching right now:

That said, I have no Wii console and thus cannot get this game. If I did I probably would get it though, even though I kinda grew bored with Mario a while ago when all the newer games started to look the same to me. Looks like they're getting it closer to right this time around though.
Oh I see what you did there.


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 24, 2008
Preordered mine on Amazon, anxiously awaiting its arrival. Played the poo out of SMG, loved (almost) every moment of it, expect to be sucked into SMG2 the same way.


L420: High Member
Mar 25, 2008
I'm happy to hear that people aren't saying that this is a kid's game and that they're too old for this stuff. We had that in the SMG1 thread, and all I could do was shake my head.

I just got the game, and I am loving it so far!


Back from the dead (again)
Apr 25, 2009
I'm happy to hear that people aren't saying that this is a kid's game and that they're too old for this stuff. We had that in the SMG1 thread, and all I could do was shake my head.

I just got the game, and I am loving it so far!

I think after 200+ games we've just grown to Mario being accepted by anyone.

Mar 23, 2010
I hate all mario games. so outdated. oh yeah and its still a platformer.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
I hate all mario games. so outdated. oh yeah and its still a platformer.

Yeah. Take a look at Modern Warfare 2! Brand new technology like shooting things as if you're the guy, almost dooming your foes in certain situations! Or levelling up, which I know is one of my ultimate fantasies. Or that opening sequence where you have to jump across gaps.

I think after 200+ games we've just grown to Mario being accepted by anyone.


Considering the games have been around since the late 80's, there's probably not a single person in America who hasn't played or seen someone play a Mario game. It's the only situation where you can successfully market to every audience.

Got to admit, it looks and feels a whole lot better on the PC. I feel sad that the Wii can't do this :(
it looks and feels a whole lot better on the PC.
whole lot better on the PC.
better on the PC.

*Grips post tightly*
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2010
Yeah. Take a look at Modern Warfare 2! Brand new technology like shooting things as if you're the guy, almost dooming your foes in certain situations! Or levelling up, which I know is one of my ultimate fantasies. Or that opening sequence where you have to jump across gaps.

>assuming i actually played mw2 for over a minute

tf2 + l4d2 all day baby.