snark's resource thread post dump


L1: Registered
Apr 21, 2009
there are only 2 entities (according to the TF2 wiki there are a couple other things), and 1 is obsolete. maybe its something i need to do

P.S.i found it, but just a quick note, did you do anything to hammer for you to be able to do it?
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Bad LT.

L1: Registered
Dec 19, 2008
I'm running the TF2 hammer, all vis groups are on but I still get big empty brushes when I place the entity, any more ideas?

Bad LT.

L1: Registered
Dec 19, 2008
..... I opened it as a prefab, the gametype on opened fine like that, thanks, feel stupid now.

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
'spose I should post to note that I made a minor update earlier today...

• A few entities were left out of the PLR visgroup, making visgroup-mark followed by copying incomplete.
• Disabled automatic sounds on all payload CPs and added a manually fired capture bell. (because everyone complained <_<)
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What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
There aren't enough thanks in the world for this. It is loaded every time I map.

Thanks again for keeping it updated.


A Random Guy........
Mar 8, 2009
THANKS! This is very very very very useful and Its only now I realise just how much.

What Is Schwa

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 13, 2008
Have you considered doing an overlay gallery?


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
This is totally awesome. Thanks!

I'm looking at how payload race works and this should be more than enough.


L1: Registered
Jun 13, 2009
I cant tell you how awesome this is! Im new to hammer and making tf2 maps and this helped out so much! Thanks alot!

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
wow an empty map...

/me sighs extremely heavily and queues up an immense quote list to make a snide reply...

categories delimited by visgroups
enable the visgroups
That confused me as well till I saw the checkboxes for the visgroups. Great stuff, liked the building you see when you begin too :D
Sorry i am a noob, so when i spawn this i cannot see any objects only the orange things, i saw a comment which said visgroups must be enabled, but i have no idea how to do that. Second How do i move pros individually? And third how to remove the library once i am done?
View menu > Screen Elements > Filter Control. That panel lets you show/hide visgroups.
Your second two questions I'm not real sure about. Are you inserting the map as prefab or something? It's just a normal map file that you open in Hammer the same way you'd open your own map. Then you can copy and paste objects from the library into your map (Hammer is a multi-document editor, ctrl+tab or the Window menu switches).
Um all I get is this:

I unzipped the file and opened it then this was all I found. Has this happened to anyone else?
Visgroups. *points to box under your texture panel*


L2: Junior Member
Jun 9, 2009
This probably sounds dumb, but I cannot figure out how to copy and paste the system I need into my map? I have tried ctrl+c and ctrl+p to my map, and using the edit cut/copy/paste options as well. I open two copies of Hammer, one with my map and the other with the library but it wont let me copy and paste? After copying from one instance of Hammer I flip to the next and the paste is grayed out like it's not on the clipboard. But if I flip back to the library it will paste? Thanks for any help :).

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
Hammer is a multi-document program, you don't need to open two instances of it, and that's probably what's stopping you from pasting - the clipboard resides within the program memory itself. Just open both in the same instance of Hammer and you can switch between them with Ctrl+Tab or the Window menu (this is the same as any multi-document interface application, MS Word, Photoshop, etc).