
(s2a) yahodahan

L3: Member
Apr 22, 2009
thanks for all the input, really good to hear-

So two people with terrible framerate issues? Hmm...and "net graph 4" went "spastic"? is that one of the "showbudget" displays? I will look into that. Arg!

Mort- haha, yep, the bushes...we were hoping to give people the ability to "ambush" at least a little from those bushes, hide sentry guns, etc.

Sniping...sniping is something I tried and tried to think of a good way to properly implement, but what it eventually came down to was, we really wanted to re-create the COD4 map and experience in a TF2 level and style. Unfortunatly, that just didn't seem to leave room for sniping, and I do realize this is a big drawback. The greatest TF2 maps are those that cater to every class...this map, however, complete ignores the sniper, it's true.

However, since the basic goal is to be a frantic, chaotic, mad rush tug-O-war gameplay map, I lean towards the belief that snipers just wouldn't really be welcome in the map anyway. It's all about close-quarters mayhem!

Don't worry though, our next project is very sniper friendly (but not too much).

Thanks again everybody for the thoughts and input, sincerely appreciated!!


L2: Junior Member
Jan 29, 2009
This one was a lot of fun, some tweaks are needed, like engineer spawn camping.

This map might work better as an Arena or King of the Hill gametype.

Also, a lot of people had some framerate issues, maybe cuttting down on some of the props you can't see too well would help a lot, along with cutting down on the foliage on the ground. You could cut down on some of the cargo containers by making some of the ones in the huge piles into a brush with a custom texture that looks like a cargo container.

And lastly, the graffiti on the containers doesn't work at all with the TF2 theme.

P.S.- Amazing skybox :eek:

(s2a) yahodahan

L3: Member
Apr 22, 2009
thanks some more for the input from everybody, very helpful!

about the engie issue, we HAD noticed that a very good engineer could do a good bit of damage, sometimes more than thier share- but usually not for very long. At least during our testing, random spawning eliminated most spawn camping, and engie turrets were quickly mowed down once some one got in the right position.

Something to work on, just like the sniper issue.

Anybody have a good/bad experience as spy? I am particularly curious how useful that class was in this chaotic level...:)

thanks again!

(s2a) yahodahan

L3: Member
Apr 22, 2009
does EVERYBODY think the graffiti looks wrong? :(

I SUPPOSE I could see about changing it...maybe to more time/style relevent posters/pinups.
