Scout Update is Officially Out!

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
They could go through the whole process of developing a program that unwarranted deletes files off your PC or just can just stick _final onto the end of it and avoid any conflicts. I don't see how it's a big deal. It's not like it's killing you to see _final on the end of it.
Well, it's also ridiculous because when you get picked up by valve you no longer have or need a "final" map, cause you can update and fix things without trouble. :closedeyes:


L10: Glamorous Member
May 4, 2008
Does valve even check these stuff before they release it? I mean these small updates. It seems too me that they aren't.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 9, 2009
Well the spy thing is broken.

One server told me to not backstab while disguised because it would crash the server and I'd be banned until it was fixed. I never saw it happen so I don't know.

But I did bump into a cloaked Spyro and saw the usual red shape of him but his axe turned full render, not the outline 'ghost ' thing like the spy.


I discovered that u can shoot balls trough thin walls, like 16 units. But it's probaly pretty logical since u can see weapons trough those walls.


L3: Member
Feb 22, 2009
Valve should at least override the name in game, like they do for Badwater or Arena maps.
I totally agree. Right now it sounds so silly. Let's play Egypt....FINALDESTINATION! Egypt and Junction also have no quicklist icon, but Watchtower has. Sloppy.

Ever install custom skins? Same thing the game will default to using the files in the folders rather then using the GCF's.
True. As long as the server isn't sv_pure.

All whining aside, the update is a big success (for me at least). I'm actually getting interested in playing scout more and mastering the art of the Sandman. Does anyone know how far the ball has to travel to achieve "Moon Shot"?


L2: Junior Member
Oct 16, 2008
First...kudos to valve for releasing free content/updates to keep people interested/invite new people to a two year old game. The spy bug(s) are pretty glaring, and how they failed to catch those in QA testing is beyond me, but I've just disabled spies on all my servers until they issue a patch to fix it.

On the subject of the new "Dual Payload" (or whatever it's going to be called) thoughts (which are purely speculation) are that they were going to release it as the last "reveal'...but discovered some kind of bug/errors in the map at the last minute, and they couldn't hit the deadline in time. With midnight approaching on the east coast, they decided to scrub it from the update, and threw that shabby "vote results" as the "Release Day" news, instead of a 6th "feature". If I had to guess, I would think we'll be seeing that map very soon.

I suppose I could bitch about the community map releases (honestly, with stuff like cashworks out there, it's a wonder that they chose those maps), or the lack of a "Meet the" video, but then again....I'm looking at 8 full servers, and people are once again excited about I think I'll cut them some slack.


L9: Fashionable Member
Sep 20, 2008
Any1 already got the Out of the Park achievement? It's epic :)


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 9, 2009
Any1 already got the Out of the Park achievement? It's epic :)

Yeah, it's so cool! I just tried it on a bot (, since i got alsmost al my achievs with bots:rolleyes:). And it goes FAAAR!

And the pop-up with BONK! is so funny. :p


L420: High Member
Mar 25, 2008
How are you guys getting the weapons already? scout is my favorite and most played class and I only got one achievement last night. Also, it's ridiculous that bonk drink is last.

Anyone else annoyed with getting shot by the FAN?
Feb 14, 2008
Well I sure am glad I took the time to make an icon before sending everything over to Valve. :eek:hmy:

And to name the maps correctly >_>


L2: Junior Member
Aug 29, 2008
I would just like to say that its good that the spy is finally getting some love. It was WAY outbalanced by other classes for far too long. Making the backstab instant with no wind up tips it in their favor a bit more and fixes facestabs no less. Everyone's happy. Why didn't they do this before? Also, making it so picking up ammo charges your cloak was a genius idea, though i will agree that the "change your weapon" idea is quite useless. Now hopefully they will fix failstabs......nothing like hearing that squishy flesh-stabbing sound with no reward for it.
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Sep 10, 2008
As an avid Spy player, the only thing I've noticed that's changed is now I can easily backstab scouts :D

Sort of sucks how enemy spies can see you cloaked though. Very lame.

It's a good thing not many people play spy then, huh? :)


L2: Junior Member
Aug 29, 2008
amen to that. Until the spy update comes out, though. In about 5 years, lol.