I've searched high and low, and can not find a straightforward guide to using stock props anywhere.
This is the last thing I would have expected to have trouble with in my first map. My prop_statics are simply not rendering! Here are the ones that are not showing up, by model...
1. furniture_chair03a.mdl
2. garbage_newspaper001a.mdl
3. w_syringe.mdl
Each of these three is a prop_static entity. In all three cases, vertex lighting is enabled, and VPhysics is used. The console shows no errors when I run my map. These simply don't show up, as if they were never put in the map to begin with.
Throwing science at the wall to see what sticks is a great way to take your learning curve from normal to so steep you want to rip your own face off. So, I don't want to waste any more hours trying random things to see if something works. If anyone could throw me a bone here, it would be awesome.
This is the last thing I would have expected to have trouble with in my first map. My prop_statics are simply not rendering! Here are the ones that are not showing up, by model...
1. furniture_chair03a.mdl
2. garbage_newspaper001a.mdl
3. w_syringe.mdl
Each of these three is a prop_static entity. In all three cases, vertex lighting is enabled, and VPhysics is used. The console shows no errors when I run my map. These simply don't show up, as if they were never put in the map to begin with.
Throwing science at the wall to see what sticks is a great way to take your learning curve from normal to so steep you want to rip your own face off. So, I don't want to waste any more hours trying random things to see if something works. If anyone could throw me a bone here, it would be awesome.