Pumping Station


L1: Registered
Apr 8, 2009
Thank for all the feedback Gabageman :)

I know about the func_detail still had get around to doing it, currently I am fighitng how to make my lighting unique and I have a nice idea, but I can't get the light_spot to give enough brightness.Maybe I should bump it to like 4000 from 500.

Also Thank you for the model texture on the displacement was only thing I did not check.
For the Vent System I am going to drop it eniterly and use the path up to the sniper room instead. I dont think I can make it shorter with out making it 2 steep.

The Tigger Hurt is only first part as that pool is going have a suction to it as well, so if you 2 close the pipe intakes it will hurt you as well.

Noob Question now how do use TF2 Skies they always say that they are missing, Am I doing something wrong, in the map building I have the same with the water, those 2 thigns I cannot seem to get correct. I use 2 fort water and well skies but nope comes out yellow and a bright white screen.

Thx Again.


Mar 10, 2008
Youme's tutorial about fine tuning lights might help for lighting: [Info] Fine tuning lights (there's more than just the brightness and color that you can edit). You can also add some normal lights in addition to the light_spots.

For the water you should try water_2fort_expensive, I guess.

The bright white might come from a missing env_tonemap_controller. FaTony's tutorial might help with this [Tutorial] Fine HDR tuning


L1: Registered
Apr 8, 2009
Well the map is comming along nicely it is playable, you can the cap intel for red and blue now spawn poistion its one way doors and no entry signs are in.
But to me its still pre alpha, I can be a bit of a perfectionist.
Its having a play test this weekend with a couple of mates of mine. so we will have to see how that goes.


L1: Registered
Apr 8, 2009
Well Play test came up with a few things
A: some corridors are 2 long and 2 wide.
B : No reason to go through middle of map.
C : Whats the point of Water
D : 2 long passage from intel
E : Main room feels to big.
F : Route to sniper toom to long.
I have made the following Changes

A : All passages are smaller
B : Changed layout so that the middle will be used more.
C : Water will be vaslty expaned and will have team only passage into water.
D : Deleted Passage from intel to main area, has been totally been redone.
E : Droped Roof of main area and ramps so feels alot smaller and main walk ways bigger so feels like a 2nd level in the room. so lots of height combat like I wanted.
F : Due to droping of roof Sniper next is alot lower as well.

I am also making some new path ways and revising the layout, but it is close to been alpha.
Last edited:


L1: Registered
Apr 8, 2009
So I want to have another play test done, and then maybe upload to a server from more testing how do I go about doing this ?


L1: Registered
Apr 8, 2009
Hey All, After been swamped buy work I have finnaly got some more mapping done.

I Think I am now at Alpha 1.
So who would like to test the map out for me ?