
PL pl_pushnowboomlater b2


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
We playtested your map on our server recently. You can download the demo file here, and can see the feedback here. The best way to use this is to watch through the demo - look where people go and don't go, what classes they play and don't play, and where most people die. Make sure to pay attention to the ingame text and voice chat. On the feedback site, if you Claim your map, you can download the feedback as a vmf, which you can then copy into your map vmf to have all the feedback in the right place.

I'd strongly avise watching the demo for this map - we said a lot in voice chat.


Dec 19, 2015
The bad thing about it is the hall, players were talking about it much. A good part of cart track is just a long choke, with very little flanks.
Jun 10, 2015
We playtested your map on our server recently. You can download the demo file here, and can see the feedback here. The best way to use this is to watch through the demo - look where people go and don't go, what classes they play and don't play, and where most people die. Make sure to pay attention to the ingame text and voice chat. On the feedback site, if you Claim your map, you can download the feedback as a vmf, which you can then copy into your map vmf to have all the feedback in the right place.

I'd strongly avise watching the demo for this map - we said a lot in voice chat.

I tried downloading the demo file already, but i wasn't able to extract it for some reason.
Jun 10, 2015
changed name to: pl_pushnowboomlater_a3

- Fixed Setup time not really being setup (fast medi charge)
- Reverted back to 60 second hold
- Added 2 flanks
- Added textures
- Fixed being able to get stuck in reds fowardspawn door.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Jun 10, 2015
This is the final version for the jam, Not too sure if i want to get back to this after the jam, Anyhow heres what changed:

- Removed the roof thing on first, It was way too OP for red and took up too much gameplay space
- Fixed some error textures
- Altered respawn times
- Reduced the blast zone timer back to 30 seconds
- Closed of a red entrance to last
- Made blue respawn faster if the cart is in the blast zone.
- Textures the last of the dev textrues ( i think! )

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