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PL PL_Dam A19


L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2022
Knaxx07 submitted a new resource:

PL_Dam - Payload Map

Not many Changes This time around.

Point B :

Added way to get back to the upstairs from the left flank.

Made Cover stronger in B for the middle area up top.

By the last point of Point B have added a hill to help Blu Push in from sentries.

Made Bridge Slightly bigger.

Point D :

Added Cover on the high ground to help Blu push red to their base.

Made The entrance slightly bigger.

Due to not many changes I am willing to make some major changes depending on player feedback.

Also made...

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L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2022
Knaxx07 updated PL_Dam with a new update entry:

pl_dam A11

Smalls changes but hopefully they will help with the map balance

Point B

made the beginning of the Point B bigger by the bridge this is to help destroy sentries on the choke alongside make it less cramped.

Got rid of the very back flank on B to help make the flank less aggressive.

Point C

Made the top area from red side accessible for less mobile class's this is to help make red get a stronger hold of the inside of C.

Point D

Got rid of the Fall down trigger on the entrance of the...

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L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2022
Knaxx07 updated PL_Dam with a new update entry:

pl_dam_a13 Changes

Bug fixes : reenabled triggers on map for things such as Cart ammo and such as I left some off during the last test.

Map changes Overall

Cleaned up brush work and added displacements to help make things less blocky.

Made Map Colours more consistent (Grey for walls , White for floors)

Point C changes

made the outdoor area slightly smaller.

Redid cave entrances and the cave area.

Made 2nd entrance to the outside by first red spawn less turn heavy now you only need to turn...

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L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2022
Knaxx07 updated PL_Dam with a new update entry:

pl_dam_A14 changes

It's been awhile since I've posted an update , I've mainly been cleaning up my brush work on some sections and also starting to begining concepting visuals for areas of the map some areas right now are more detailed than others.

Main Changes

Overall Dev textures for the most part have been changed to actual TF2 textures

Point B changes

Death Pit has been made narrower

Point C changes

Cave Area is now made with displacements due to this some changes have been made mainly that the...

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L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2022
Knaxx07 updated PL_Dam with a new update entry:

pl_dam a16 changes

Doing very small changes to see if they have a change on the gameplay on some points im not so happy with.

Point A

been changed slightly to make the art pass easier to do later.

Added cover near the end of point A to help Red hold more alongside a little hut. May remove if too oppressive or not fun.

Point C

Changed Blu 2nd spawn up ahead to see if it changes the pacing of the map , may change if too drastic in BLUs favour.

Height in the last point of C has been made lower due to...

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master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
Can you add images to the download?


L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2022
Knaxx07 updated PL_Dam with a new update entry:

pl_dam a17 changes

Not many changes as I am for the most part happy with most of the map design wise (may make some slight changes to last soon but that will be it)

Overall Changes

Smoothed out displacements to help make them easier to walk on.

Have changed spawn times , after point B has been capped to help see if that changes how Point C is played.

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L1: Registered
Aug 30, 2022
Knaxx07 updated PL_Dam with a new update entry:

PL dam Changes

Last Playtest did not go well due to me messing up my spawn timers lets hope the fixes I did to it make for a better one.

Overall changes

Clipped OOB areas

Fixed Massive respawn for red.

changed slopes to stairs

Point B Changes

Added more heath and ammo.

Got rid of the stair case in the rock area to help players stay connected.

Moved 2nd Blu Spawn to the roof area.

Point C changes

Made a stair case for red to access the top flank to help make the interaction less 1 sided.


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