
Not a Krusty Krab
Oct 15, 2014
Pickup Timer (Model Based) - Golly I sure hope I don't die while waiting for this health pack!

Same concept as this: https://tf2maps.net/threads/prefab-pickup-timer.36466/

This one uses a single model + the pickup itself. This should run very efficiently on the engine and is suitable to be used ubiquitously.

You will need to put the prefab into your tf/bin/Prefabs folder to be recognized by hammer.

Prefab is generic, just place it down and replace the pickup type and it should all still work. If not look at the outputs and make sure its targeting the emitter entity.


Included is the Blender, Substance and Gimp files used to create it.

Use however you like. Credit is appreciated but not necessary


Not a Krusty Krab
Oct 15, 2014
Ive been throwing around other concepts for this as well, I'd love to get a discussion going to refine this idea further.

  1. One concept was to have a hologram of the pickup appear when you take it, it would be low opacity so you could tell its not really there. It would match the style of the control points holograms.
  2. Second concept was to have a hologram that was a generic health symbol. The outer ring of it would actually be the timer. From afar you could see how long it would take for the pickup to spawn again

I'm torn if these would be a benefit or detriment to gameplay. On on hand; its nice to know that a health pack would be spawning there on a map, especially for new comers to the map. Some people have pointed out that this could confuse people and make them believe there is a pack when there is not. To satisfy both it would have to be visually distinct.


  • Screenshot_272.png
    528.3 KB · Views: 273
  • Screenshot_271.png
    261.6 KB · Views: 195


Not a Krusty Krab
Oct 15, 2014
HEY! that's cool, much more refined... I liked the idea of a preview/hologram, it's like a modernized version of the pickup concept

Thanks for the original idea!

I did have another idea for this. Like have the opacity of the hologram give an indication of how soon it will respawn. So like it slowly fades back in