
PL Odyssey B4


Jun 28, 2017
Defcon updated Odyssey with a new update entry:

Beta 3

  • Continued detail pass
  • Removed ramp up to inner balcony on B
  • Reduced opening speed of B shortcut doors
  • Added another doorway to third floor window room on C
  • Removed handrails from part of catwalk above C cart path
  • Adjusted orientation of RED spawn points on C to aid navigation
  • Reduced time added on capture for C from 300 to 240 seconds
  • Widened upper entrance to outer flank house on D
  • Increased finale control point capture time from 10 to 12 seconds
  • Fixed...

Read the rest of this update entry...


L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
This has got to be my favorite map of 2024 both gameplay wise and visually.

Just played a round on Beta2 and while capping last, I taunted on the ground and the sawblade killed me just before the capture. I got auto balanced to Red and immediately lost. Just found this to be a funny Odyssey moment lol