
CP Nile a4


L1: Registered
Dec 21, 2021
Popalofiti updated Nile with a new update entry:

1ad - More changes

  • Increased height of pillars on mid
  • Added more geometry to block sniper sightlines
  • Shifted props to modify/block sniper sightlines
  • Building on 2nd height reduced and health pack changed from small to medium
  • Stairs on 2nd adjusted to only allow movement classes, prevents more sniper sightlines
  • Moved packs near stairs further back towards 2nd
  • Modified geometry in lobby

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L1: Registered
Dec 21, 2021
Popalofiti updated Nile with a new update entry:

Last Overhaul + other important changes

Hello everyone! I've been hard at work trying to implement a lot of changes both from lay people and competitive players. There are MANY changes from a1d

  • Added more vision on mid and added a planter on the right to give more playable height
  • Raised the height of obelisks on mid
  • Added small ammo packs near point

  • Reduced flank health pack from medium to small
  • Cleared up the gate area
  • Changed medium ammo pack location in gate area
  • Added...

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L1: Registered
Dec 21, 2021
Popalofiti updated Nile with a new update entry:

Finally out of a1!

Hey all! Special thanks to everyone who played in my map test and gave feedback, it means a lot! LOTS of changes here, so if you've seen older versions make sure to look at this newest one!

  • Changed roof near right side to wrap around the building
    Added shipping crate on the right side to allow any class to access wrapped roof
  • Added more cover on the left in the form of sandstone bricks
  • Adjusted the size of shutter to be the same dimensions as cp_well dynamic shutter...

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L1: Registered
Dec 21, 2021
Popalofiti updated Nile with a new update entry:

HUGE detailing + gameplay update

Hello! So, a lot more changes coming through after some more thinking and testing. Some of these are pretty extreme such as shrinking mid a lot and expanding last, but I'm hoping that in doing so I can better know how to tune these in the future. That is to say, this is not by any means the final size of the map. Without further ado, here's the changelog! (Note: I might be missing some stuff)

  • Size shrunk considerably from your side to their side
  • Under area revamped to be...

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L1: Registered
Dec 21, 2021
Popalofiti updated Nile with a new update entry:

Mid sucks? Rip it up and redo it!

Hello! It's been a minute, but I have finally come back with some major changes and some (not so pretty) texturing. Last time this map was tested, people complained about mid being too small, being cumbersome to fight in, and having a lack of options.

Well fear not! I restructured mid into what we see in a4, adjusting the center and valley entrances, while also opening mid up some more and granting some more height options. I do not know if this will be the final iteration of mid, but I do...

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