
Nile 2024-09-08

Missing clipping in a very important spot...fixed it!!
Hey all! Special thanks to everyone who played in my map test and gave feedback, it means a lot! LOTS of changes here, so if you've seen older versions make sure to look at this newest one!

  • Changed roof near right side to wrap around the building
    Added shipping crate on the right side to allow any class to access wrapped roof
  • Added more cover on the left in the form of sandstone bricks
  • Adjusted the size of shutter to be the same dimensions as cp_well dynamic shutter
  • Moved grate lower right lobby to better act as a visual indicator of what a sniper top left lobby can see
  • Adjusted all doors out of lobby to 2nd
  • Revamped batts to act as a better batts more in line with other competitive maps
  • Revamped 2nd point entirely, moving it closer to doors and away from lobby, shrinking the capture zone, and adding new geometry + props near the point
  • Revamped market/valley (right side) to go upward instead of downward in an effort to simplify doors into Mid
  • Revamped temple/flank (left side) to act as a more direct route to Mid
  • Changed the side the wooden door was on to cut off access to temple/flank from choke
  • Removed hole in the wall near temple/flank (it was going to be detailed as a blown up wall, but I decided against it...for now...)
  • Changed nearly every entrance into mid, either opening them or removing them
  • Stairs changed to reflect the altered entrances
  • Old temple/flank entrance changed to forward spawn
  • Removed many props
  • Added a planter on the left diagonal wall
  • Redid clipping to better reflect the boundaries of the map
  • Redid basic skybox to fit new adjustments
  • Adjusted displacements across the map
  • Made displacements symmetric across the map
  • Altered health and ammo packs across the map
Up next are hopefully some more playtests and some detailing to "beautify" the map a little. I'm getting sick of looking at these dev textures.

For those that give me feedback, I cannot thank you enough!

Floating buildings and props on last, fixed!
Hello everyone! I've been hard at work trying to implement a lot of changes both from lay people and competitive players. There are MANY changes from a1d

  • Added more vision on mid and added a planter on the right to give more playable height
  • Raised the height of obelisks on mid
  • Added small ammo packs near point

  • Reduced flank health pack from medium to small
  • Cleared up the gate area
  • Changed medium ammo pack location in gate area
  • Added pillars near point to add more height near point while also cutting off sniper sightlines
  • Added stairs to the back of the train depot to allow easier access to mini ammo
  • Added health and ammo on batts
  • Changed batts from sandstone bricks to wooden wall with windows
  • Lowered a wall to block sightlines in lobby from top left to lower right
  • Total overhaul of the top right area, opens to the side now, lots of sightline blockers, adjusted crates and pallets climb, and moving the health and ammo from that area to the floor by the lower right entrance
  • Increased the physical depth of last making the distance from shutter to point longer
  • Totally remade the last point from sad square to interesting enclosed space
  • Removed overhead obstructions on last
  • Added a small health pack between point and spawn
More detailing to come soon as well, I'm just looking to get a good start first in terms of gameplay before cementing anything. Thanks to everyone for feedback and looking at the map!
  • Increased height of pillars on mid
  • Added more geometry to block sniper sightlines
  • Shifted props to modify/block sniper sightlines
  • Building on 2nd height reduced and health pack changed from small to medium
  • Stairs on 2nd adjusted to only allow movement classes, prevents more sniper sightlines
  • Moved packs near stairs further back towards 2nd
  • Modified geometry in lobby
  • Updated middle forward spawn so door doesn't block upper area

  • Sewed some displacements that were separated

  • Adjusted the heights of entrances to last

  • Minor detailing changes