
PL Nepal a30b


Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A2: Reworks galore

- Tweaked A to reduce sightlines slightly
- RED spawn time is increased after A is capped
- BLU gets an extra minute after capping A

- Reworked the flank route to B to make it safer and more useful
- Added ye olde funny hazard healthkit
- Gave BLU team a new elevated window overlooking the main route to B
- Added some missing clipping
- Removed absurd rooftop spot at B
- Added a one-way door near B in BLU's favor

- Increased turntable delay before C
- Reworked C to make it more defensible...

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A2B: More balancing and cleanup

- Opened up a wall at A
- Removed the two-way door at A
- Reduced RED's high ground at B
- Cleaned up the flank area near B and added another defensive spot for RED to use
- Reverted the spawn time adjustment for RED
- Delayed BLU's spawn switch until after C is capped
- Posted a warning sign near a deathpit at C
- Blocked off a route at last that BLU could use to spawncamp RED
- Fixed clipping on the truck at last
- Clipped some troublesome pipes at last

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A3: Fixing A

- Reworked some of the geometry around A to make it less claustrophobic, less frustrating to navigate, and easier to hold
- Moved A point back a bit

- Added an intermediate forward spawn for BLU after B is capped

- Removed the one-way door at B
- Slightly reduced the ammo near B
- Added a small mound near the choke at B

- Reduced the time bonus for capturing C to 3 minutes

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A4: Lair of the Yeti

- Made it easier for BLU to get on top of the shed near spawn
- Added another resupply locker to BLU's first spawn
- Opened up doorways the window room overlooking BLU spawn to make it less claustrophobic
- RED is now force-respawned after A is capped

- Made a few raised doorways easier to get into

- Reworked and expanded upon the area around the last point so as to make it more defendable and less of a mosh pit
- The control room windows can now be seen through from RED's side
- Reduced...

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A4B: A tiddlywink of polish

- Gave BLU slightly more time at A
- Fixed some clipping
- Fixed a cheesy sniper spot at A on top of the bent pipes near the choke

- Made some minor geometry tweaks at B

- Removed the new route at last because it was unnecessary and made the gameplay messier
- Made the control room windows opaque from RED side again

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A4C: Helping bLU

I'd like to test D a bit more, so I've taken some measures to help BLU If they are too much, I will dial it back a bit.

- Reduced BLU's spawn time and increased RED's
- Added some more rocks near A
- Moved some pickups in the left flank at A
- Made it slightly harder for BLU to get behind RED at A
- BLU now gets their first forward spawn after capturing A
- RED is no longer forcibly respawned after A is captured
- The shortcut after A is more obvious now

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A5: Reworking B (again)

- Added a big rock near B
- Reworked the flank route near B to be a bit safer and give a bit of high ground at the end
- In the diagonal building near B, added a balcony and window overlooking RED's area and made a prop jump necessary to enter it from RED's side of the flank
- Added a window on the left flank to B so approaching players aren't blindsided by enemies

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A6: Actually balanced this time I promise maybe

- Reverted the early BLU spawn change
- Slightly decreased RED's spawn time at A and increased it a bit at B
- Both teams are now forcibly respawned after A is capped (starting with BLU)

- RED's respawn time is reduced slightly after B is capped
- RED is now forcibly respawned after C is capped

- Slightly reduced the amount of ammo at D
- Slightly reduced the strength of a defensive platform at D to prevent attackers from being bombarded from a particularly steep angle

- Added some area...

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A7: Flow

- Reduced cubemap scale again because it looked weird in some places
- Reduced BLU's respawn wave time after A by half a second
- Tweaked the inner corner route between A and B to prevent RED from using at as an easy shortcut to deny BLU's pushes
- Moved a medium healthkit inside the low ground shortcut to help BLU push through the choke without making RED's prior hold too strong

- Decluttered last a bit

- Miscellaneous minor fixes

I have some other adjustments planned, but my main...

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L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
This layout is super interesting and definitely feels great for TF2. Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see where this goes.
Oct 15, 2018
I really like this map so far, the layout is fun and unique and the variety of routes allow for a fun match between red and blu. Glad to see these latest changes help blu out a bit more in the first half of the map, they were consistently struggling in the last version.


Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A8: Sniper, No Sniping!

- Expanded BLU's first spawn and split the spawnpoints into three groups
- Reduced and relocated ammo in the sign room at A to make it harder for RED to abuse it
- Mitigated some particularly annoying sightlines at A

- Reduced RED sightlines at B and made it easier for BLU to reach the cliffside flank from the main route

- Fixed janky collisions on some props in the cave
- BLU now gets 3 minutes after capping B and 4 after capping C instead of vice-versa

- Nobuilded an overpowered sentry...

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A9: Walking!

- Adjusted pickups in some areas
- Adjusted respawn times

- BLU no longer gets their forward spawn immediately after A. For testing purposes, the bonus time for capturing has been increased.

- Added a shortcut door to RED's high ground at C that closes after the point is capped
- Reworked part of D to reduce sightlines a bit
- The end explosion now kills you

- Miscellaneous minor fixes
- Removed Herobrine

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A10: You know who you are

- Adjusted pickups
- Nobuilded the truck spot
- BLU spawnpoints are now adjusted to encourage use of the left route once A has been capped

- Reworked the left flank into D with a dropdown so that RED can't push into the high ground as easily
- Tweaked RED's spawn at D to give them more high ground and make it harder to camp

- Removed herobrine

More adjustments are planned (especially to A), but I wanted to push these changes out before the next test.

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A10B: Down the hatch!

- Mitigated a crack sightline from inside BLU spawn
- Removed the transparent fence view into the "Cliffe Rocks" building near B
- Added a one-way dropdown in the control room in order to help BLU players reach the main cart path
- Removed the rollback zones at D

- Adjusted pickups
- Fixed an unclipped roof

- Removed herobrine

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Server Staff
Dec 10, 2020
MC_Labs15 updated Nepal with a new update entry:

A11: The Norway Update

Reworked the right flank at A:

- Reduced awkward prop spam
- The window room is now at a 90 degree angle instead of a 45 in order to remove the need for the giant sign
- There is now a staircase to the window room from the low ground instead of a prop jump
- Added some cover underneath the sign room

Made some significant reworks to D (Special thanks to Suna for help with this!):

- Removed the red walkway over the main route in front of the giant fan
- BLU's staging area has...

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