- Reworked and simplified the right flank route at A

- Nobuilded a particularly cheesy sentry spot near B

- Blu once again gets their first forward spawn shortly after capturing A

- Miscellaneous small tweaks

- Removed Herobrine
- Reduced cubemap scale again because it looked weird in some places
- Reduced BLU's respawn wave time after A by half a second
- Tweaked the inner corner route between A and B to prevent RED from using at as an easy shortcut to deny BLU's pushes
- Moved a medium healthkit inside the low ground shortcut to help BLU push through the choke without making RED's prior hold too strong

- Decluttered last a bit

- Miscellaneous minor fixes

I have some other adjustments planned, but my main priority right now is to fix B
- Reverted the early BLU spawn change
- Slightly decreased RED's spawn time at A and increased it a bit at B
- Both teams are now forcibly respawned after A is capped (starting with BLU)

- RED's respawn time is reduced slightly after B is capped
- RED is now forcibly respawned after C is capped

- Slightly reduced the amount of ammo at D
- Slightly reduced the strength of a defensive platform at D to prevent attackers from being bombarded from a particularly steep angle

- Added some area portals and hints to improve performance
- Increased cubemap scale (Looks a bit odd, but whatever. I'll fix it in the next version)
- Miscellaneous small fixes
- Added a big rock near B
- Reworked the flank route near B to be a bit safer and give a bit of high ground at the end
- In the diagonal building near B, added a balcony and window overlooking RED's area and made a prop jump necessary to enter it from RED's side of the flank
- Added a window on the left flank to B so approaching players aren't blindsided by enemies

- I am slowly losing my sanity
I'd like to test D a bit more, so I've taken some measures to help BLU If they are too much, I will dial it back a bit.

- Reduced BLU's spawn time and increased RED's
- Added some more rocks near A
- Moved some pickups in the left flank at A
- Made it slightly harder for BLU to get behind RED at A
- BLU now gets their first forward spawn after capturing A
- RED is no longer forcibly respawned after A is captured
- The shortcut after A is more obvious now
- Gave BLU slightly more time at A
- Fixed some clipping
- Fixed a cheesy sniper spot at A on top of the bent pipes near the choke

- Made some minor geometry tweaks at B

- Removed the new route at last because it was unnecessary and made the gameplay messier
- Made the control room windows opaque from RED side again
- Made it easier for BLU to get on top of the shed near spawn
- Added another resupply locker to BLU's first spawn
- Opened up doorways the window room overlooking BLU spawn to make it less claustrophobic
- RED is now force-respawned after A is capped

- Made a few raised doorways easier to get into

- Reworked and expanded upon the area around the last point so as to make it more defendable and less of a mosh pit
- The control room windows can now be seen through from RED's side
- Reduced BLU's unfair height advantage
- Added more defensive spots and platforms for RED to use
- Opened up a new low ground route
- Simplified the cart path and added a short rollback zone to compensate

- Respawn room visualizers are now disabled for inactive spawnrooms to prevent ugly red slashes when not needed
- Slightly increased BLU respawn times to prevent players from being staggered as much
- Slightly reduced RED respawn times
- Fixed a few spots where players could get stuck behind fences near the cliffs
- Fixed some odd clipping
- Other miscellaneous tweaks and fixes
- Reworked some of the geometry around A to make it less claustrophobic, less frustrating to navigate, and easier to hold
- Moved A point back a bit

- Added an intermediate forward spawn for BLU after B is capped

- Removed the one-way door at B
- Slightly reduced the ammo near B
- Added a small mound near the choke at B

- Reduced the time bonus for capturing C to 3 minutes
- Opened up a wall at A
- Removed the two-way door at A
- Reduced RED's high ground at B
- Cleaned up the flank area near B and added another defensive spot for RED to use
- Reverted the spawn time adjustment for RED
- Delayed BLU's spawn switch until after C is capped
- Posted a warning sign near a deathpit at C
- Blocked off a route at last that BLU could use to spawncamp RED
- Fixed clipping on the truck at last
- Clipped some troublesome pipes at last
- Tweaked A to reduce sightlines slightly
- RED spawn time is increased after A is capped
- BLU gets an extra minute after capping A

- Reworked the flank route to B to make it safer and more useful
- Added ye olde funny hazard healthkit
- Gave BLU team a new elevated window overlooking the main route to B
- Added some missing clipping
- Removed absurd rooftop spot at B
- Added a one-way door near B in BLU's favor

- Increased turntable delay before C
- Reworked C to make it more defensible and to make the entrances into last more easily accesible
- Added a bridge which extends across the cave after C is capped

- Made it much harder for RED to get into the launch control room
- Added elevated connector between high ground areas around last

- Relocated pickups
- Miscellaneous other tweaks and fixes