Needing a Last


L2: Junior Member
Aug 7, 2017
I'm currently working on a payload map that goes up and into a mountain, going from national park to spytech observatory, taking elements from my favorite disparate maps and putting them into one. I'm currently not even at _a1 yet, but I've smacked headlong into a heck of an issue: I have no idea what to do with last. I mean, "fall down go boom" is the general gist of it, I get that much, and I know generally how a last is supposed to work, but for some reason all my inspiration evaporated when it came to the fanale. I've been studying the lasts of a lot of maps, but I'm afraid that it'll just look like the final of another, since they're so iconic. Do you guys get this problem? And what do you do when you get to that point?


L420: High Member
Jul 29, 2016
the idea of last is that it is a grand finale, the last showdown before the credits roll, perhaps you could have it take place in a missal silo! when the team with the bomb wins the hole thing explodes, but if the defenders win, the rocket lifts off!

i cant relay help you, some mappers just test up to last, and then ask for suggestions. others do it point by point. but the basic idea is that last should be memorable and grand.


L2: Junior Member
Aug 7, 2017
Tell a story with your map that explains what the team is trying to blow up. It's a mountain, yeah? So maybe BLU are trying to blow up an observatory at the top that RED control, or a giant sun-blocking machine.
Hahaha I remember that episode, maybe
the idea of last is that it is a grand finale, the last showdown before the credits roll, perhaps you could have it take place in a missal silo! when the team with the bomb wins the hole thing explodes, but if the defenders win, the rocket lifts off!

i cant relay help you, some mappers just test up to last, and then ask for suggestions. others do it point by point. but the basic idea is that last should be memorable and grand.
Oh wow... I do like that idea, I could have a huge vertical space, it being in a mountain. It's been done and few times, but I was also planning on making the spytech area really really big so I think I can make it work