need some ideas


L13: Stunning Member
Nov 16, 2007
I agree totally with youme again on this topic, again.
If you can make a nice good looking map, why would you waste time for making a jump map. Makes no sense to me.


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
Youme makes the good point that the devs have admitted they tried to dumb down the skill level for the game. While I will not get into that argument, i would point out that these maps are based on a skill. Admittedly it is not a skill that TF2 requires a whole lot, but it is a skill nonetheless.

Yeah the idea i suppose would be to have stages with a cp at the end of each one. For the sake of discussion say you have 3 jumps/obstacles per stage. If you fall on the second or third obstacle youd have to run back to the first one and start again. Once your team gets past the 3rd obstacle youd open the next stage and obstacles four through six. Falling here you run back to obstacle four and start over.

While death might make people more nervous about failing, you could also make the falling be a double penalty by creating some semi-difficult jumps to get back up to the top. Probably the ideal though would be to mix it up. Have death be the penalty in some places and a run back in others.

As for the moving spawnpoints, I am virtually certain that is easily done. It is essentially analogous to having advanced spawns in well or granary. I am not sure of the particulars, i imagine it has something to do with disabling the original spawn points and enabling new ones further up. I'd have to look it up but I imagine the information is readily available.

To return to my Pyro idea, this concept was brought up by jive in my control point post ( in which he suggests using a "prop_physics_multiplayer" entity that has an OnIgnite command. You would also need to put down a spawnroom brush so that people could change classes without dying. So here would be my scenario:

The player has just gotten past another obstacle to a platform. On the next platform up there is a cp which he can easily reach by a scout or rocket jump. However, the CP is surrounded by a structure that cannot be blown up, it can only be "melted." Either the platform or the CP would need some kinda hint as to what you need to do (i.e. become a pyro and burn the structure to access the CP.) That way you force the player to do some jumping with one of the non-special jump classes.

Would be hilarious if we could somehow filter for the HWG's minigun fire so that people would have to switch to the fat man and try and make the jumps. Alas, that cannot be, yet.
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L420: High Member
Oct 26, 2007
How about one team has to jump up the cliff side up to a CP, and the other team spawns in a faraway tower and has to snipe them all down!

Sean of the Dead

L3: Member
Dec 30, 2007
How about one team has to jump up the cliff side up to a CP, and the other team spawns in a faraway tower and has to snipe them all down!

meh, thats pretty good, but what would the other team do to win the round? how would they cap the point? or is it like an attack/defend map?

i just got this freakin sweet idea for a jump map, its a rats-like jump map, where u have to grab the intel, and jump up the a huge basketball hoop, and drop thru to cap it. i got the idea from this map. :D i think it would be fun! i would have a single intel in the middle, or mabye ur intel on the other teams side, then u have to jump up ur hoop to cap it! does anyone else like this?