My Name Is VonDare


L1: Registered
Oct 9, 2013
Hello everyone. I'm VonDare, a university student for Game Design. I've been playing TF2 since Orange Box and i've recently had the inkling to put my college 3DS Max skills to use and make something for one of my favourite games. Probably won't dive too far into Hammer just yet, thinking I need to scope out the tutorials and try a few "gamedays" to see how everything works.

I'm intending to have a good time here, and I hope you do too. (^-^ )b


Mar 1, 2010

I recommend reading up a bit, but don't be too worried about opening hammer up and trying things out. Try to make some brushes and learn what makes a map load in game properly, and spawn in your first big boxy room. Once you do it right the first time, it's pretty satisfying and leads to wanting to do more.

After that, it's just compounding everything you learn into something more developed.

But everyone learns differently, so lurking around a bit might be best for you. Just don't put the Hammer on a pedestal... as some might say. :)


L1: Registered
Oct 9, 2013
Thanks. :'D

You have a good point. I've gone and made a boxy room following one of the Valve Wiki tutorials. I suppose the next step is making reliable spawns and perhaps researching inspiration for a small-ish map.
Sep 19, 2010
Welcome! Nothing wrong with diving straight in. I find that's the best way to learn, though I'm sure you already know what works best for you. Your first map will be bad. It always is haha. Just keep at it! There are a lot of people and resources here to help you out. :)