It definitely is the nav as thats the default message when the nav cant be loaded or cant create a path to the hatch. It should indicate it by showing just a 'wave 0' on top.
Note that both the blue and red respawnrooms both need to be a single entity (1 entity for blue, 1 for red). Depending on the case it can bug up the map quite alot. But even this shouldnt stop the map from working at all. Also, im not sure if its relevant, but give the rooms a visualizer (even if entirely nodraw textured)
All props arent relevant to the nav unless they are able to block the bots, sometimes it generates a blocked nav square because of a prop. a func_door does block a path, but still allows the nav to get generated through it. And since the error is that is simply cant calculate the distance this only is relevant when all doors are closed which is very unlikely to be the case as it would block you aswel, or all doors have a filter to only allow red and the hatch can only be reached through a door (if this was the mistake at least facepalm 5 times for stupidity because your hatch is probably inside the respawnroom).
A solid hatch prop might hinder to generate a nav square and this could be relevant to check. Even valve just uses a nodraw combined with a non-solid prop for the hatch.