

L1: Registered
Jun 9, 2009

This is my first try at TF2 map so dont be to harsh

Its a three stage payload, the 1st and 3rd gaining in height to the top of the mountain.

1st is special as its basicall a large figure "8" getting higher

Its still heavily under development cause i havent even put the kart on it.

reason is cause i want a stage where it rolls back like on Pipeline but i dont know how :( any help would be brill

the pics are screen shot with added "track" in purple, blue being cap point, grey being the roll back bit and yellow the big end!

Any comments welcome or post how to do the roll back slope (cant find the info any where:( )
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L1: Registered
Jun 9, 2009

I havent yet seen pl map the doubles back on it self and/or have a roll back stage so its definitely different, maybe not unique but different.
I phrased it wrong sorry so i changed it
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Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
My first issue with this is how near impossible these layouts will be to optimise.

You could get away with installing some large buildings where your woody textured brush's are in your first image to help cordon your map area's and reduce rendering loads ingame (with help from hints and areaportals).

The second one is questionable, a sensible act to optimise this layout would be to have a building complex span top left to the bottom right of the image, that the track travels through. This will atleast cut this area into 2 seperate areas to help optimisation oppotunites, using hints and areaportals.

The last image looks better designed for optimisation than the others and shouldn't be too much trouble.

Make sure you have your scale right. Place sentry guns in using "prop_dynamic" and set the fade distance to "1100" as this is the sight range of a sentry gun. This will allow you to design areas with sentry gun positions in mind. To help with scaling include some player models using prop_dynamic as well.