Misda's LB Montage


L2: Junior Member
Jun 11, 2009
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeuCtNyCY_0"]YouTube- LB Orange montage[/ame]

One of our regular's made a montage of his sniping + other classes on our server, it's pretty good, don't like the 2nd song too much tho lol.
misda said:
I tried to put in everyone I enjoy playing with/playing with a lot, but there are some people like Cold and Sar that I have no interesting kills vs.

I hope you take some enjoyment out of me shooting people standing still and missing people moving in straight lines.

This is also the first time I've tried audio; hopefully the sound is okay.

Special thanks to ZestyMordant and Darkshader for RJ'ing so much it would have been IMPOSSIBLE to not have at least one lucky air-headshot to pretend I'm good.


Oct 25, 2007
the video was enjoyable, but let me break it down a bit.

1. he has good accuracy. the amount of headshots proves this.
2. its an orange map. its the equivalent of a '2fort sniper'. meaning a sniper who is only good on 2fort.
3. this map lends to have users just sit back and pick off unsuspecting users. it gives them no chance to fight back and it requires no thinking on the part of the sniper. you literally have 30 seconds to try and kill him before he can get to you on an open arena. the sniper will get that kill 90% of the time.

i think im qualified to criticize the vid a bit because id like to think im an ok sniper. and i have a sniper avatar which gives me a handful of sniper cred.