minimum players to cap?


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I've been making this map.. if i'm honest it's a port of avanti, though i know there seem to be a number out there; i figured i'd do one anyway, it'd be more true to the layout perhaps than others. I guess people will have to make up there own mind when they eventually see it.

At any point, monologuing over.. The first cap point is pretty close to the spawn exit of blue. This isn't a layout problem, most of the team would take a reasonable amount of time to reach it; adearing to the limits of gravity and obstacles that litter the way. It is a gameplay issue, because most of us have seen (on 2fort) a demoman pipe bomb his way onto the opposing teams battlements in jolly fashion. It would simply take him a pipe bomb comfortably placed at the spawn exit and in an flash could pipe bomb his way onto the balcony of the first cap point. (providing sg's have been cleared).

Now, i'm not too keen on fluffing up this point with any more detail by adding an absurd amount of awnings to make the demomans life just a little bit more difficult. Instead i have considered a minimum player cap point number, as in it would take a minimum of 2 players to start the capture of the point (and probably all but the last one).

I don't recall this being in effect on any maps in rotation currently, the entity system seems to allow for it, i guess i will have to compile and find out myself, but. What do people think of this? It would mean it wouldn't be too popular to fill a server given that, 1-4 people wouldn't be able to do much.

My second reasoning was that this map is not particularly sg friendly one, it is fairly open and TF2 seems to have halfed the sg range. Ubers (especially on demomen) would appear to have all but negated the long term benefits of an sg. (i normally rack up 8 kills (to my dismay of not reaching the 10 for the achievement) before an uber'd demoman ruins my sentry streak of kills). 3 ubers at the start of a round on dustbowl pretty much garauntees the decimation of all forward defences. So i need a way to make the defenders last maybe that little bit longer from round start.

I suppose i can't really find out the gameplay of the map without testing it first, but i wanted to get an opinion on a minimum of more than 1 body count to cap a point.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jan 4, 2008
What pseudo says is true...

minimun players to cap is misleading. Its not like dod where it would show 1/2 players standing on the point. If I remember right, the CP uses that number to determine how fast it caps (which is vague, let me explain)

A cp uses some kind of a formula to calculate how fast it caps. It factors in your setting on seconds, number players in the cap trigger, and the minimum number of players. Im not exactly sure how it works to be honest. I had to trial/error to find the desired results.

BTW - YAY! someone else doing avanti! Glad to see someone else in the same realm as me :D Im working on avantiville, which under gone extensive play testing. In regards to your game-flow question. Keep in mind the map is heavily red-favored. They get set up time to build before blu attacks anyway. Let blue have an easy cap (or two). If your map is true to TFC cap 1 it the least of your worries. Its cap 3 and 4 that the map stalemates out. Particularly the choke points right after cp2. My suggestion, leave it open for pipe/rocket jumps. Otherwise the game might stale out at cp1!


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Cool. Yea. Thanks for getting back.

Psuedo, i thought as much to be honest.. i did hope that i could do an actual minimum player cap like in DoD but now that you've mentioned it i could just increase cap time.

I've done the first 2 cp's and the details are there as well. I'll add screens soon for you guys. You're right also, on the choke points after cp2, L3eeron. That's actually where i've changed things the most (and this area is still under heavy construction!), partly to help optimising frame rate and sorts, but.. hopefully it'll lead to a fresh experience.

After this i hope to do Casbah :D and maybe even crossover2. But chances are i'll never have that much free time :( lol. Many TF ambitions >.> I'm such a fan.. i did play it for 6 years. So sad.. ha ha ha