Mass Effect 3 DLC Shenanigans

Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010

I'm a little upset about this release day DLC. Pre release-date developed DLC is just silly. I don't think I can justify paying 60 dollars for a "half-baked" game. This video sums up what a lot of people are feeling. I personally have cancelled my preorder. I'll want to wait longer to see what comes of this.

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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
We talked about this in chat, and I will say it again.

You do not know the whole story. You do not know what is in ME3, and what is not. You do not know what is up with the DLC completely. You can not make the claims that Total Biscuit, the judgemental brit, is saying.

I know it is a day 1 DLC, it's weird. But the claims that TB and others are making are stupid. You can not make judgement on this until it is released. You wouldn't be getting the game if it was half baked, and even then, at this point in time, do you know it is half baked? No. So everyone needs to be patient, wait til the release, and THEN you are free to make judgements and call companies silly names.

/end rant.

tl;dr: Stop being judgemental about money and how companies might be becoming "greedy pigs"

EDIT: Also read/watch some more stuff about this than just TB. I know he's cynical, I get that, but he really needs to tone it down sometimes and stop making things seem worse than they actually are.
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Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010
I do realize that TB tends to blow things out of the water, but I still get where he is coming from. Sure, I agree I HAVE NO IDEA what this DLC is or what it has to do with the story, but I still feel that content like this that is readily available and NOT cosmetic should be available in the game itself. It all depends on if it takes away from the game experience to NOT include the DLC. Don't say I'm making wild claims, I just want to see how Bioware handles this before I put my money on it.
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Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
What example I made in chat too was that, since you don't know what the main story line is about, and what the DLC story is about, they could be completely different and they could just not mesh together in anyway at all. So they expanded on the main story, and took out the Prothean part and made it a DLC. You don't know, and as such, people should not be making these claims and removing their pre-orders because of THAT.

Now, if your reason is because you want to see how Bioware handles this, not because you think its wildly stupid that this happens and you think that the game is half baked, that is fine and acceptable.

Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010
Now, if your reason is because you want to see how Bioware handles this, not because you think its wildly stupid that this happens and you think that the game is half baked, that is fine and acceptable.

In a nutshell yes, but I still can't help but get the feeling the game COULD be like the last part of my graphic. I'd like to put my faith in Bioware, I've been quite fond of their games in the past, but tbh it's all speculation at this point. Speculation that I'd rather not have 60+ bucks riding on. I'm perfectly fine waiting this one out.
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Jul 31, 2009
Unfortunately I hate bioware DLC fullstop. Partly for this, partly because it often feels too small for the price they charge, and partly because most of it you have to buy before you actually start to get the most out of it.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
So everyone needs to be patient, wait til the release, and THEN you are free to make judgements and call companies silly names.

First of all, I haven't watched that video OP linked, I didn't even know it was a big thing to complain about this. My opinions that I expressed in chat yesterday on this topic was entirely my own conclusion on the matter.

For those who weren't there: Launch DLC is a stupid concept that I really can't see justified in any circumstance. It doesn't matter what company, what game or anything, that is besides the point. The issue is the whole idea of launch DLC that is hugely overpriced for what it actually is (in comparison to the cost of the game), considering it was developed, added and shipped on the same day as the main product.

Why should I have to "wait and see" to be able to reach this conclusion? It's been done before and it's just happening again. The concept is terrible, no matter what is in the actual DLC, I couldn't care less what is in it, I don't even want to know what is in it. It's a massive dick move no matter how I look at it.

(I'm not interested in ME3 as a game, so I'm not some "boycott" participant, I never intended to buy the game in the first place. However, launch dlc is not something unique to this series, and I can have opinions on their existence as a thing)
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The Kwisatz Haderach
Dec 22, 2008
Mass Effect 3 is a product, and if you want what EA is offering, you'll have to pay for it. No matter how they spin the sale or price the products. That's how it is.

So buy it, or don't buy it.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I don't want to quote. that all ravidge, but here.

The "Wait and see" was for the contents of the DLC. Since people are complaining that the DLC is just a chunk of the game missing. So wait and see what are in the DLC and the main game, then decide. By all means though, please go ahead and complain about it being a day 1 DLC, that is fine. But don't complain about "half baked" and "incomplete" games.

EDIT: According to RPS, the DLC is because of a content lock and helped keep people their jobs. I totally called that in chat.
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L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
Personally, I have no problems with launch-day DLC, if just because I understand there's often at least a couple months of development time between when the core game content is done and when it actually comes out. No reason to just let the developers sit around and do nothing in that time. Or, worse, fire them all.

EDIT: Oh, hey, missed that RPS article.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
This is where I would normally vote w/ my money. But to finish up a trilogy I've enjoyed so much, I'm gonna buy the damn dlc w/ adult money. I mean I've bought drinks more expensive than this stuff

This. EA don't deserve a penny of my money, and i'm certainly not rushing to show them any support. Bioware DO. And while i want to show a lack of support for origin, day-one dlc et al, i DO want to support good games. I never buy DLC- i tell a lie, i bought a single hat from the Mann Co. store, but i hope the future will forgive me- and i don't intend to buy this.

Also, i feel I need to say this. Sweet fucking christ get a sense of perspective. Successfully killing day-one DLC with consumer pressure is akin to going back in time and killing the inventor of the sitcom laugh-track, not Hitler.

This is a bad thing, sure, but it feels as if the internet chooses one thing to hate with white-hot intensity each week.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
someone put quite a lot of effort to convince people that either there are day 1 dlcs or people get fired. interesting how game companies could develop games back in the day without mass firings and without day one dlcs.

I blame economies, consumer trends, and business... and just the general evolution of the gaming industry.


Dec 5, 2007

Found this on reddit. Basically describes what I was trying to convey a day or 2 ago (after this started) ... So shove it Total Biscuit!

wow yeah that is perfect. I might just bookmark that to show to all future idiots I encounter

EDIT: also, this may be slightly spoilery but: imho day 1 is the only time buying DLC for this would work anyway, I don't want to touch the ending again for at least 12 months so there would be no point in be buying any DLC until maybe then.
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