

L3: Member
Aug 30, 2008
The Long forgotten and abandoned manor of Zepheniah Mann had been left to rot collect dust. Until one day Red and Blu both showed up to find the lost secrets that Zepheniah had left behind.

the last pic is a work in progress as well, still have to make it look like an old painting

this is one of 4 koth maps that im working on.
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L2: Junior Member
Nov 6, 2009
I like the atmosphere and idea, but I think the map needs to be brighter to really work in TF2. Even the darkest Valve maps are surprisingly bright (see: plr_pipeline and koth_harvest_event). Adding numerous small lights can better illuminate the map while still allowing for a moody style.


L3: Member
Aug 30, 2008
I like the atmosphere and idea, but I think the map needs to be brighter to really work in TF2. Even the darkest Valve maps are surprisingly bright (see: plr_pipeline and koth_harvest_event). Adding numerous small lights can better illuminate the map while still allowing for a moody style.

I haven't done a lighting pass of the map yet.
the lighting will be one of the later things that i will work on.


L1: Registered
Aug 29, 2009
looks really great, and would be interesting to play cant wait!

Hopefully some trap doors in there too somewhere


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
Looking cool i'd advise the style of skybox that's in the zps map where you have to get out of a house and call for backup think it's called harvest.
Also what does the manor look like from outside.
Ps. I suggest using a slightly darker version of the harvest_event enviroment in ABS Enviroment Library


L6: Sharp Member
Oct 31, 2009

The first screenie dose look like opening scene from one of the Resident Evils (It's RE1 or Umbrella Chronicles).

The 2nd screeine looks like the castle area in RE4 (the one with the statues where you can shoot them and gems fall off).

I like the over all feel. As for that painting, use GIMPerfessionist to get a stiched effect. (I belive it's under the cartoon effect list).

If this house was left alone for (idk how many) years, shouldn't it be dusty? Theres a particle field for that.

Kepp up the great work :)


L3: Member
Aug 30, 2008
Yep I was going for the basic RE look, but when I've done an art pass I’m going to try and make it feel different to RE.

also once I have finished/ balanced the layout I will need someone to help me make a few custom assets.
This will include things like
- Chandelier
- Suites of armor
- A bear rug
- Book cases
- Large windows
- Curtain


L3: Member
Aug 30, 2008
Please tell me those brush railings are func_detail.

Just so I can sleep at night.

nup they are world objects.......... that bit of news should give you a few sleepless nights. :p

jokes aside thay are indeed func_detail. Iv been mapping long enough to not do somtheing as stupid as leaving them as normal brushes.

they also might be something that would be good as a custom object.

Looking cool i'd advise the style of skybox that's in the zps map where you have to get out of a house and call for backup think it's called harvest.
Also what does the manor look like from outside.
Ps. I suggest using a slightly darker version of the harvest_event enviroment in ABS Enviroment Library

right now i have no plans for the out side to be playable. I'll post a pic of the out side later

It is dark.

why you are very observant.


L1: Registered
Apr 28, 2009
You might want to fix the lighting now, can't test if you can't see the other team.


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
Do a quick lighting pass. Functionality over aesthetics in Alpha