Making an orb follow a player till death


L1: Registered
Oct 15, 2011
Making an orb follow a player till death??

I have this orb in my map which is just a info_particle_system
now when a player touches it I want it to follow that player till they die
then I want it go to back to the place it was originally found.

so far I've gotten the orb to follow the player I just cant get it to stop once the player dies.

trigger, output
ONTRIGGER > glow > setparent > !activator

now when that players dies how do I stop it from following the player?
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L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
Hmmm..... Seems like it would act like a flag in ctf, just without any points or location to bring it to. You could see if you can trick the game into thinking the orb is a flag. I doubt it though, but itmight be worth a try.


L3: Member
Sep 16, 2010
Cant you parent a trigger to the orb that has a filter which is set to the person who picks it up?
Then when the triggers onendtouch happens it means the person who picked it up died
Oct 6, 2008
Please specify how you want the orb to return or give us more info.

Why do you want the orb to return? Why do you want the orb to follow them?

I'm thinking that you may have to be slightly more creative in the coding here by looking at other options.

What I mean by this is you may be able to do it this way - CTF sytle.

Make an object visible or invisible is up to you - this item will be your briefcase.

Name the briefcase - orb_target - or something like that.

Then for your orb, have it target your "orb_target"

So what will happen in the end is - player will pick-up the briefcase and wherever the case goes the orb shold follow it. The if the player gets killed the orb is still targeting the briefcase and not the player.

The orb will then or should return to the starting point of the briefcase location when the briefcase goes back to where it's supposed to start from.

As for the briefcase pick-up sound track - it will be triggered when the case is picked up - not sure quite how to fix this item BUT I have noticed (from my own map) that if you pick it up and instantly hit underwater then there is no soundtrack because you can't speak underwater. So a possible workaround for this is that in the pickup location you put in a water brush that would cover the player and thus mask his voice. Set the water to "texture" mode and give it a value of 0 to make it invisible. You won't be able to see it but will still feel the effects of being under water - I don't think you can avoid this at all - so so may again have to vary the size of the water vs the space needed to silence the soundtrack of the pick-up.
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L1: Registered
Oct 15, 2011
I want the orb to teleport back to where it was found. instantly*

the orb is only for a social sorta thing on a server.
when the player finds the secret orb on a map it just follows them till they die. other players will wonder where it came from and how to get it. and only players that know the secret area will be able to get an orb

Im not doing a CTF, so i don't want to parent it to a flag. and the player still needs to be able to shoot.
Oct 6, 2008
Just to clarify,

I know you might not be doing a CTF - you just might be doing it for whatever - the properties would be CTF - upon death - you would set the respawn time to zero - player dies it goes back to where it came from taking the orb with it.

However, because you don't have a cap point the thing will/should follow the player around.

my gold_heist_canyon map is a PL map but on the 2nd stage cart gets to point X which activates a key (briefcase) - a CTF style of mini-game starts up - you bring the key to the gate to open the gate - there's no CTF Gamestyle Coding/Scoring in the map - there's a trigger there that says if key is brought open gate (at which point the entity is killed)- but I don't see why it couldn't work in your case - you're just going to run around with it and no place to go - LOL.

Pick up x > go with dude > orb follow x > dude dies >x respawn value of 0 = returns instantly to starting point > orb should warp to where X is.