
CP lowtide b3

Mar 23, 2010
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L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
Probably, if people will enjoy this map on gameday I am thinking to put this map somewhere around shores when detailing


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
Version a2 released:
-middle point size increased, added additional path, modified layout
-modified bridge area layout
-ramp from bridge area to second point height placed farther
-modified second point layout
-added small layout changes in building between last and second point
-main respawn room modified


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
Version a3 released:
-middle point can be capped by standing on the roof
-second layout modified, hopefully making it easier to cap
-added some barricades around last point


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
Version a4 released:
-added additional path to middle point in middle
-middle area layout modified
-health pack from under the bridge replaced into the hill
-no ammo and health packs on second point
-second respawn pushed towards center
-modified interior in building between last and second point
-modified layout in last point
-ground retextured

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I know there is some feedback coming for this map, but I don't know when. I just on a whim joined at the end of the gameday today and I have to say...

I like this. I like this a lot.


I really like the transition you have here, it's a bit more unique, has a lot of variety, but is very simple. My only complaint is the the lower right part of this image. It's very flat and a dash dull. Perhaps some counter-height for the bridge, or just some slight height variation with a small shack with some small ammo. Not 100% sure at the moment what you could do with it, but maybe you have a better idea bout than I do.


I liked this style of approaching the point a lot, it provides a way to put the fight in front of the point (as it should be) but also gives a chance for jumper classes to get up there quickly. It's not a bad sentry spot and it's pretty neat overall. I think my only complaint for this zone was that it was hard to see what was up there. Providing some visibility from this little room onto the point will help attackers out a lot when they choose this as a push route. A risky route, but useful.

The left side might've been a tad wide (and long, I'll get to that in a second). I also think that the final point is nice, but kind of "meh" it was a bit lacking a bit in variance and focus. Going back to the visibility thing, it's hard to see anything around this point because it's so closed off. You may want to consider doing something similar to these dustbowl points

These are literally up on a pedestal saying "look at me! look at me! I'm the focus of this zone focus on me!" They want more attention than a 10 year old. I think that something similar to these will be simple, but also effective for your final point.

Alright, it was more than a second, but this is short. This length of straight is okay gameplay wise, but if you take the map past alpha and into beta you might find that it causes some optimization issues that will be haaard to fix. A slight kink in it will work I think, or some other world geometry to break it up. I could be wrong about this, but in my experience it's usually a hassle to clean up.

Go ahead and raise this grey roof up to the height of the surrounding buildings. If I can't get up there, make it look like I can't.

I love this little room overlooking the final points. I think it's a nice little cozy for attackers to sneak back to while providing excellent visibility over the point. The little window you have on the left wall (not the windows with the frames, the one to the left of it) is a neat addition to the map. I think if you add a little platform to the other side of it, and make it a tad wider (like an actual door way) it can make a great place for solly's and demo's to jump up to and attack.

I love this little route, I think it's a neat way to get up to the upper level. The issue is that it's just a longer way to get back down to the level you started on. I'm not sure if it's wasteful or if you should make this to a higher vantage point? You might want to try adding a window/platform+doorframe (much like the really tall building at the end of barnblitz has) that snipers, Solly's and other DPS classes can use to gain a height advantage in the next area.

You should definitely watch the demo of the test and see if you agree with any of this... The demo's will be avaliable shortly (If I remember, I'll post it here if it doesn't already).

Anyways, I hope that you keep going with this map, it's definitely a really solid start for a 5CP, I only was able to play the map for 15-20 minutes but it was definitely one of the more fun 5CP's I've played. Can't wait to see more of this map in the future.

EDITED: Grammar and fixing an image.
Last edited:


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
Thanks for the feedback, Fr0Z3n.
Version a5:
-some doors of a building between mid and bridge are replaced
-added small pond under bridge
-second point layout modified
-last point placed on the ramp


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
Version a6 released:
-added windows to last point in respawn
-added skybox
-shaped buildings
-improved lighting and added lamp props


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
a7 released:
-made small layout changes in second point that probably gonna make attacking from mid to second easier, added small health pack and ladder
-reduced spawn time for attackers from mid to second point
-small ammo packs added around map
-lighting brightened
-added details in last and second point


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
a8 released:
-increased all respawn times by second
-mid point cap area widened
-second and last point layout modified
-some paths and entrances widened
-reduced sign amount
-added details and most buildings textured
Sep 19, 2010
You should crank up your settings before taking screenshots. Since you won't be moving, your fps doesn't matter. It would just make all your hard work look better. :)

One thing I'd like to point out is the bridge connecting mid to 2nd. Just having those big beams holding it up looks bad. Obviously, you're not quite to the stage where you're adding those kind of details, but keep it in mind when you get there.

Looking forward to playing this on Saturday!


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
a9 version released:
-added balcony in middle point area
-removed concrete block in bridge area, health pack near it aligned more in middle
-added metal barricade on bridge
-health pack under second point replaced to other side of the wall
-added small ammo pack on second point cap area


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
a10 released:
-increased last point cap time
-reduced defenders respawn times by second
-increased second point attackers respawn time by second
-done displacement works mostly around middle


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
a11 released:
-reduced last point attackers respawn time by second
-added medium health pack in second point area
-removed building blocking demo double sticky jump from main respawn
-all dev textures are gone
-all building shaped
-added panorama for first point area
-most displacements are done
-modified lighting and retextured interior in some buildings


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
Version a12:
-map retextured to make it less visually noisy
-last point cap area surface flattened out for projectiles
-increased last point cap time
-concrete block returned in bridge area, metal plank on bridge removed
-barrels and boxes removed near first point middle entrance
-fixed clip issues


L3: Member
Aug 10, 2010
a13 released:
-various boxes, concrete blocks and other clutter removed around the map
-bridges widened