
CP Lakehouse a6b

Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper submitted a new resource:

Lakehouse - A/D map featuring a RED-owned factory pumping toxic waste into BLU's beautiful lakehouse view.

Asymmetrical CP map featuring BLU attacking a RED-owned factory and eventually RED's own lakehouse in an effort to preserve their own beautiful view.

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 2: High Ground (and Low Ground)

MAJOR GOAL: Give height variation to the map.
  • Added a rock near the cliffside to change sightlines and force a longer walk for the under-cliff route. Also adjusted the upper part of the cliff so you can jump over the rock.
  • Adjusted the wooden beam on the under-cliff route to be smaller.
  • Added a route in the under-cliff route that leads to the lakeside area. Not great for most classes, but can provide some surprise.
  • Added a raised area near point to block long...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 2a

  • Lowered the respawn times for each team. (4 for BLU, 6 for RED.) No differences between points as of yet; needs further testing.
  • Added arrows to various spots to streamline movement a bit more while working on major changes.
  • Fixed z-fighting on all brush-based doors.
- Blocked off the gameplay space fences with blockbullets.
  • Disabled the func_respawnroom in RED's forward spawn as it becomes a gameplay space.
  • Commands...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 2b

MAJOR GOAL: Significantly nerf the "shutter hold," where RED team holds the shutter room on B and is able to watch both areas at once. Attempt to force RED to hold either forward in the open room or back towards point.
  • Lowered the main doorway to block sightlines.
  • Moved the health and ammo pack from the shutter room to just outside it to force holding players to push forward or retreat to find pickups.
  • Added a huge drain pipe and additional metal wall into the open room to...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 3

MAJOR GOAL: Improve certain visual elements around the map.
  • Walls previously textured with reflectivity 80 are now lowered to 70.
  • Began creation of a 3d skybox.
  • Fixed the diaper skybox around the map and made it more form-fitting.
  • Displacements added and textured around A point.
  • Added arrows around A point.
MAJOR GOAL: Change much of the cover around A point to make it feel less cluttered and give more connectivity.
  • Added a rock slope to get on the...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 4

MAJOR GOAL: Nerf the B hold for RED.
  • Removed the main shutters in an attempt to open up the point more.
  • Removed the health and ammo packs near the metal fence in the factory room.
  • Added a pallet to the old shutter room to allow all classes to use the prop jump and get onto the half wall.
  • Turned the full ammo pack under BLU forward spawn into a medium pack.
  • Added a window to the lakeside flank for B.
  • Expanded the hallway flank for B.
  • Expanded the exit for the...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 4a

  • Turned a weird diagonal ramp to a more clearcut one.
  • Modified the pillar outside spawn; thinned it out and added an easy route for RED to hold the pillar temporarily.
  • Removed an overhang from the main factory door. This makes pressuring A from inside B much, much easier.
  • Expanded the staircase area next to the lake so that you don't have to touch the trigger to stand in the high ground.
  • Disabled the force respawn for RED after A is...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 5

  • Added a new forward spawn for RED after A is capped.
  • Changed the area inside BLU's first spawn to be less weird. Added a mousejumper signature.
  • Removed clipping for RED's resupply cabinet on B after A is capped.
  • Fixed a weird one-way door on B.
  • Added proper staircases to RED's C spawn and made the windows less strange.
  • Blocked off the bypass route on A and removed some nearby floating crates.

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 5a

MAJOR GOAL: Make A feel less cluttered and give RED a clearer holding area.
  • Fixed up some prop spam on the point, specifically with the fences on its left side.
  • Pushed some displacements out of bounds so that you can more easily tell what's going on in some areas.
  • Replaced the coverup for the bypass flank with a wall.
  • Reimagined the whole cliff area:
  • Made the route to drop to point 128HU wider.
  • Moved the large ammo pack to that point route and added a medium health...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 5b

  • Covered a large safe sightline on A with a few walls.
  • Fixed a guidearrow on A so you can't bump into it while walking.
  • Put a func_nobuild on the metal pipe in B's factory room.
  • Clipped off some boxes you could get stuck in near B's factory room.
  • Removed the shortcut ramp for C point as it's no longer useful with RED's B spawn.
  • Retextured a common sentry spot on C to be visible before pushing.
  • Clipped off and lowered the jump pad on C. You can no longer walk into...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 6

MAJOR GOAL: Visual clarity & detailing.
  • Added some textures to B's outside area.
  • Replaced out-of-bounds fences with security fence props on C.
  • Fixed some (not all) visual popping between B's outside area and C.
  • Added more of A to the 3d skybox (visible on C.)
MAJOR GOAL: C rework.
  • The far flank with the window leaving the factory has been majorly changed. It is now lower than the rest of the area, one door has been blocked off, and a metal fence has been...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 6a: A love letter to RED engineers

Oh my dearest RED ENGINEER, I've hurt you dearly with this map thus far.
MAJOR GOAL: Give RED engineers a much easier time defending and finding sentry spots.
On B:
  • Cut off the hallway flank halfway through, giving an alcove with safe metal nearby. This does two things; eliminates a major threat for the balcony sentry AND gives a new sentry spot nearby. Plus, the route being blocked off allows RED to play more comfortably forward.
  • Removed the shutter door in the hallway flank...

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Jul 15, 2023
mousejumper updated Lakehouse with a new update entry:

Alpha 6b

  • Removed the boxes near the point and opened up the rock wall next to it. I didn't like the behind-the-point gameplay so I hope this makes it easier for BLU to push RED players out of that area.
  • Clipped a sign on A.
  • Added a wall to the lakeside route to get rid of an ugly sightline.
  • Removed one of the jump pads on B point.
  • Removed the "hole-in-the-wall" route to B's lakeside route.
  • Added an underpass route that goes from under the...

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