
Dorado a14

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Dorado a14

A small, fast paced King of the Hill map set in the Wild West.

We've struck gold! Well, not really. But there's a huge stash of beer that was just uncovered right between the RedRum Saloon and Blooze Bar! And what's worse, both saloons want it! Who's going to come out on top and have a rowdy night and who is going to go home sober?

With tight winding tunnels and open air for a nicely-timed tumbleweed to float by, Dorado is a cowboy's paradise. Fight from heights or backstab your foes from below! Fight for glory (and booze!)
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. Alpha 14: Raise the Roof (and the walls)

    Very large update this time around. I'll break it into 3 chunks: Gameplay, Clarity/Optimization, and Decorative. GAMEPLAY Added additional crates onto the balcony path crate to block a pixel sightline. Pushed the main slope into lobby further...
  2. Alpha 13: It's over, I have the high ground

    A major issue of the previous versions were that all of the angles to attack from were uphill battles. This update aims to solve that issue in a variety of ways. Removed the prop pile in the lobby choke and replaced it with a full one-way slope...
  3. Alpha 12: Open Up

    Gameplay changes: Widened the choke behind shack to make it easier to push out. Props in lobby have been rearranged to accommodate for new sightlines. Widened the choke from lobby to valley just a touch for a similar reason. Reworked the choke...