I need help for map

Dr. Eggman

L1: Registered
Mar 12, 2023
Hi i have downloaded map but I want know where put
I know put cp_snowpierecer --> maps
But Textures I don't know where put files server?

maps download.PNG



L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Usually maps are packed with the custom content, unfortunaly this one doesnt, but you can easily fix that.

Just place all the materials (not the folder) in -> tf\custom\snowpiercer\materials\scroll

You have to create the snowpiercer\materials\scroll folders yourself, but thats it.


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Oh wait. you are doing this for a server?

Well, i dont know how that works then, i only know how it works for local, which is the samer directory you put there but with tf instead of the server. Tbh, this is the creator's fault for not packing the map with the custom content, but there is a workshop version of the map, maybe that one got that fixed: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2104785623

Hopefully it is, if not, maybe someone else here can you help you with the issue, and if not you can ask the map creator to update their map to pack their custom stuff.
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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
The problem is that the map creator did not packed the map with the custom textures, instead they just added the content in the zip. Like i said before, if you want to see the map properly, just add the materials in -> tf\custom\snowpiercer\materials\scroll

But if you play the map in a server you did yourself, other people who join will have that issue, unless they put the materials too in that folder. The only way to fix that issue, as far as i know, is that the map creator updates the map and fixes that.


  • example.png
    27.4 KB · Views: 47


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Hi there. This is an issue I had previously with this map. If you want to know how to sort this out, follow the instructions that I comment provides under the Gamebanana post, here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/70337


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Like I said before this location is wrong, you have to put this folders in TF, not the server:
Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/snowpiercer/materials/scroll

Or like Gravidea said:
Team Fortress 2/tf/materials/scroll


L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Well i dont know what to say then... if you did it correctly it should work, if it doesnt work it means you didnt put the files in the correct path. I notice that your images are somewhat related to server stuff, dont know if that changes anything, but try open the map in local. MAKE COMPLETLY SURE THAT THE FILES ARE LOCATED IN THIS PATH:

Team Fortress 2 > tf > custom > snowpiercer > materials > scroll

Like Gravidea said, there is 1 texture that is still missing even if you everything correctly, but dont worry about that.
Restart TF2 and verify your TF2 files. If none of this works I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do.