Hi guys, a few weeks ago I made a thread discussing my ideas for a pulley system for a payload cart to go through in order to reach the next area. In order to make this I took a look at Hightower and it's elevators for the cart, however I am a bit confused on how they made it and also found they made it like a control point in order to raise the cart up into the detonation zone. My idea is to make it like cactus canyon, during stage 2, where it does not require the cart to be near a player in order to reach it's intended destination. I am also toying with this from a suggestion by a twitch streamer named "manOFsnow" saying I should make the cart something along the lines of this in order to make the cart pass through...
If you guys can help me in any way I will be eternally grateful for your help.
If you guys can help me in any way I will be eternally grateful for your help.