
Hardhat B2a

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


Clinically Diagnosed with Small Mapper's Syndrome
May 21, 2009
yeah yeah I know

in other news if anyone wants to help me detail this I would be more than welcome to some help
Jun 19, 2009
Problem is that (last time I checked anyway) you can't run an arena map on a regular server, it fucks all the configs up. Consequence of this is that we never run arena maps on the playstuff server. Also arena servers are much rarer than regular ones.

I reckon that this would make a good KotH map with a few buffer areas. But hey, that's just me.

Either way, I'd be interested in seeing hardhat finished, hence the bump. :3

You see, I think it would make an amazing KOTH map if the scale was a bit bigger. I can't offer any way on making it bigger than it is, but if anyone else can conjure up a way on how to keep the gameplay stable while opening new areas, I don't see why not.

Perhaps someone can offer to help Penguin out with this?


L3: Member
Jun 22, 2009
Problem is that (last time I checked anyway) you can't run an arena map on a regular server, it fucks all the configs up. Consequence of this is that we never run arena maps on the playstuff server. Also arena servers are much rarer than regular ones.

That's just because server admins are apparently not smart enough to copy and paste the majority of their config settings to the Arena config file and change the max rounds and max time with Arena in mind. It is too bad, really, it isn't hard to do, at ALL. And I hear server admins all the time complain that "Arena mode bugs up the server" /eyeroll

And I agree, this makes a mighty fine Arena map, but so many changes would have to be made for it to play well in the KOTH game type.


L1111: Clipping Guru
Mar 2, 2009
To make it a koth, he'd have to make where spawn is right now the area between spawn and point. Extend it by a couple units and make it interesting. Then he'd need to add a yard area behind it in what is now the skybox, and then put a new spawn. Then he'd have to extend the width of the side parts and add something to do over there in what is now the skybox. Essentially, he'd be changing Hardhat from being the 1028 squared thing it is to, like, a 2048 squared thing. And it'd be bad.

Plus, it requires effort. Who likes giving effort? Not him. Not you. Not me.