loved the map, played it again just a few minutes ago with you and the other peoples, had fun as a pyro, and ect.
I like the second floor on the spawns but that area seems really underused. Maybe you could put a health kit up there. Also the area up there is SUPER open. on that orange area to the left of the spawns, the one that looks kinda like pieces of cheese from above, you could put a sort of sniper box there. maybe raise a waist high wall right there, put a little piece of tin above it, ect. It seems like that area could become a wonderful spot to use, but it seemed way to open to use effectively.
It seems like whichever team builds in the middle automatically won, since the main focus of the map is the middle building. Maybe you could put windows on the sides to allow demos to lob bombs in, or completely shut off the middle building from players until the point is active.
Not being in the building felt like being in a death trap, seeing as enemies could come from 3 or 4 directions at any moment. Maybe you could add another building somewhere, or open up the area below the point, so that no matter where you are on the ground area, you can run inside.
Also, and this isn't a big deal, where the health kits are now, the ones left and right of the middle, could you put a ramp going up onto the middle building from the health kits? it was frustrating trying to get back up on the middle building, and that seemed like a better option then running around in the ground area.