Hammer/Compiling Issue


L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2008
I appear to have come across an issue during my map making process.

For whatever reason, several entities I place in Hammer do not appear in game. This issue is actually causing some maps to become unplayable due to a lack of symmetry. Occasionally, if I play more entities, the missing entities will appear in game, but other entities may disappear. Occasionally, certain entities, such as railroad tracks will flicker in and out of existence depending on the camera angle.

I have tried deleted and replaying the entities, copying entities that do appear in game, and recompiling them map. None of these solutions has worked. I would be simply over joyed if someone would be able to help in any way.

Armadillo of Doom

Group Founder, Lover of Pie
Oct 25, 2007
For future reference, it usually helps to post a compile log with this kind of problem. However, what you are describing is usually a result of using the wrong kind of prop. Some models need to be prop_dynamic. Adding them as prop_static causes errors, and they are removed during the compile process. If you check your log, it will say something to the effect of 'xxx model missing $static, cannot be compiled'. If that's not the issue... well, we'll get to that. First try changing the missing ones to prop_dynamic.


L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2008
For future reference, it usually helps to post a compile log with this kind of problem. However, what you are describing is usually a result of using the wrong kind of prop. Some models need to be prop_dynamic. Adding them as prop_static causes errors, and they are removed during the compile process. If you check your log, it will say something to the effect of 'xxx model missing $static, cannot be compiled'. If that's not the issue... well, we'll get to that. First try changing the missing ones to prop_dynamic.

I've got the same Entities elsewhere in the level, and those appear. I will try changing the type of entity quickly though. I'll also see if I can get a copy of the compile log and edit my first post.

I changed the entities from static to dynamics and that did absolutely nothing. Also, now I am unable to compile later versions of my map because "The system cannot find the file specified."
Finally, is there a way to put the compiling log in so it's more readable, for instance in a text box with a scroll bar on the side? I don't know how to do that.
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L1: Registered
Aug 6, 2008
Double check your prop settings, if some show up in places and others don't the 'fade distance' could possibly be causing it.


L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2008
Double check your prop settings, if some show up in places and others don't the 'fade distance' could possibly be causing it.

I tried changing the fade distances and such like that, and that didn't change anything either. The entities are simply not there, physically or visually.

Your BSP stage fails. Run BSP only and read it carefully.

Okay, I got this error message.

Loading E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\shadow_mage_alpha\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_ShoeBox-a5.vmf
Error: displacement found on a(n) func_detail entity - not supported (entity 11, brush 62)

I have no idea what that actually means.
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Armadillo of Doom

Group Founder, Lover of Pie
Oct 25, 2007
Edit 2: First try what Tony has suggested in the next post.

Edit 1: I meant to quote your post, not edit it.

I tried changing the fade distances and such like that, and that didn't change anything either. The entities are simply not there, physically or visually.

Okay, I got this error message.

Loading E:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\shadow_mage_alpha\sourcesdk_content\tf\mapsrc\ctf_ShoeBox-a5.vmf
Error: displacement found on a(n) func_detail entity - not supported (entity 11, brush 62)

I have no idea what that actually means.

In this case, it means exactly what is says. Under your visgroups, uncheck everything, then select only the func_detail group. Go through them and figure out which one has a displacement on it. You'll have to delete that brush, but according to your error message, it's only happening on the one.
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Mar 25, 2008
Wait! Stop do NOT delete it!

Go to View->Go to brush number...
Type 62.
Now you should see yor displacement. Select it, right click in 2D view ->Move to world.

Now try to compile.
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L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2008
Edit 2: First try what Tony has suggested in the next post.

Edit 1: I meant to quote your post, not edit it.

In this case, it means exactly what is says. Under your visgroups, uncheck everything, then select only the func_detail group. Go through them and figure out which one has a displacement on it. You'll have to delete that brush, but according to your error message, it's only happening on the one.

Uh...supposedly the problem according to this is world geometry, and if that is the case, I'll just go back to the old version of the map. (Not much difference between the two, easy to remake.)

Wait! Stop do NOT delete it!

Go to View->Go to brush number...
Type 62.
Now you should see yor displacement. Select it, right click in 2D view ->Move to world.

Now try to compile.

When I follow this, I get an error message saying "That brush ID does not exist."

And while both of these are fine and dandy, I still an unable to put any more entities in my maps, the REAL problem I've been having.
I'm getting the overwhelming feeling Hammer Editor just doesn't want me to make maps. :crying:


Dec 5, 2007
If its the same error message as before use the visgroups to turn off everything but displacements, select the lot and then hit the move to world button


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Use this trick:
Immortal-D said:
Under your visgroups, uncheck everything, then select only the func_detail group. Go through them and figure out which one has a displacement on it.

You will have to search by hand as the compiler many times gives wrong brush numbers (happened often enough here that the number didnt work here also).

And moving it to world is indeed the fix. displacements act like func_details anyway

Argh, youme beat me to it already


L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2008
I'm actually not having issues with compiling anymore. I'm having issues with entities not appearing, the original reason I posted this thread.


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 19, 2008
We need to know what the entity type / world model name is you are trying to use and what the settings are for it if you really want help.

If you're lazy (like me) just take a screenshot of the properties box using ALT + PrtScr, paste the image into MSPaint or something, save it as a gif (or jpeg), and upload it to imageshack.us , www.imagefilez.com , or some other image hosting site.

For example:
(ignore the red square highlight, image was for a tutorial I gave up on)
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L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2008



You can see the problem here; as far as I can tell, everything is right and yet the entities just are there, visually or physically.


L1: Registered
Sep 6, 2008
What happens if you use another prop (a beer keg for instance)?

There are different props there, and it happens on every single map I've started so far. It doesn't matter what the prop is, there's some guarantee that SOMETHING with disappear SOMEWHERE.