
Gridiron rc1a

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-fixed jack getting stuck in furnaces
-changed transitional building and area between it and the boxcar bridge to be more useful to offense
-moved around goal signs and point value signs to make goal signs more obvious
-removed clipping from rounded things at mid
-raised mid so offense has more high ground when pushing into the lobby area
-widened side exit doors from mid
-moved around some walls to make the route to the upper catwalk at mid less cramped
-adjusted routes by boxcar to feel more natural and useful for both offense and defense
-lowered high platform by goals to make it less of a sentry spot

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-moved around a lot of geometry at mid to address sentries and odd angle fighting
-removed well shutter door from transitional building and rebuild that area
-pushed run in goal to the right and adjusted surrounding geometry to match
-fixed messed up respawn times so they effect both blu and red team
-change respawn times from 6 at the start and for attackers to 8. This means that when the ball is in blu's base, red has an 8 second respawn and blu has a 4 second respawn, the opposite is true when red has the ball in blu base, and when the ball is at mid or unavailable everyone has an 8 second respawn

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L5: Dapper Member
Jul 30, 2017
Here is some feedback regarding the map from when I have played on it.
Played with it in both pretty coordinated settings w/ shotcallers and without so I think I got a pretty decent understanding of it.


- I don't see why the Throw-In grants only a single point. It's rarely used from my experience as it requires attackers to take in the most risk since enemies will naturally gather around the place they spawn in - which is the closest to the Throw-In. It doesn't really make sense to me why the risky goal grants a point less than the safer one. Making it grant 2 seems reasonable to me and would spare you the numbering process.

- I don't think its a good thing that defenders are granted 4 sec respawn and attackers 8. In most gamemodes it's the other way around to give attackers an edge since they are the furthest away from their spawn. Especially in PASS Time rewarding defenders for letting the ball enter their base seems... a bit backwards. Their defender spawn is only a 2 second walk away from their natural one while attackers are basically out of the picture if they die while the JACK is in REDs base.

- R3 doesn't seem like a viable route and is rarely used by players from my experience. Enemies spawn at the top-side of the image, so I, as an attacker, will want to avoid it. A PASS Time gamemode special is that most players aren't even familiar with spawns switching, so noone will want to enter the building they think RED is spawning from. I don't have any reason to take that route as R2 and especially R1 outshines it. Maybe offer attackers a meaningful reward when they are through that building - like a powerful highground - to reward them for taking all that risk. Or maybe you intended for that route to be smelly for attackers, in that case, ignore this.

- R1 seems to be the most common route. It's super safe, the furthest away from the enemy spawns and players and even offers you controlling high-ground on your way to the goal. I don't know what you can do to make the other routes more appealing as the spawn placement will naturally make R1 the safest route of all with the least amount of enemies.

And that's it for map-specific stuff. I already shilled to you about the additional PASS Time logic pack so I don't need to do it again here. Good luck with future updates!


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-moved the throw in goal next to the bonus goal, and pushed the run in goal farther to the right. This should make the throw in goal easier and the run in harder, as intended
-clipping fixes for players and jack stuck spots
-changed health and ammo on the outside concrete spot in the lobby between mid and the transitional building to a small health kit
-incorporated parts of Flurry's passtime prefab to remove crits on cap, adding a glowing outline to whomever has the ball, as well as some other things
-changed around respawn times throughout the map to match stock passtime maps
-probably other things

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-slightly shortened mid
-adjusted mid geometry to fit new size
-clipping fixes
-rearanged geometry in transitional building where the inside spawn door is and added a new route to the bonus goal jump pad. Hopfully this will cause the bonus goal to be used more for scoring
-implemented passtime+ announcer (me)
-other stuff I don't remember

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I dinne ken

Has currently had enough
Apr 16, 2016
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had a gridiron on his hip
Gridiron on his hip...


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
-replaced the truck's trailer by the goals with a flatbed and steel beams. This should stop engies from building on it as easily while also making sense for why they can't build there easily
-pushed the goals forward a bit
-fixed being able to spam the "the jack is in our/their base" announcer lines
-fixed the bonus goal jump pad not glowing
-moved around geometry for the upper mid exit to try and give players pushing out of mid more of an advantage in that area
-minor clipping fixes
-probably some other stuff

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