man first of all, i gotta tell you how sad i find it, that you seem to be talking to yourself for an entire thread page, while some really weird projects get tons and tons of replies. not helpful - but still attention that your project would be more benefiting of ! cause i think the map has really an awful lot of potential !
i just downloaded your map and gave it a runaround. there were three things that got my mind.
1) the lighting is rather uniform and dark in a lot of places. a bit more colored spots (not only whiteish/yellowish and corners wouldn't harm, imo. and these buros with the consoles and chairs are veeery dark, i'd say brighten it up a tad.
2) you seem to have many of the wooden beams and planks textured in a 90° way, so that the wooden structure doesn't follow it's natural flow but is against the flow/Stroke. that looks really odd !
3) the surrounding buildings are really flat, i think if you just run around some other maps, you'll easily get inspired to spice things up a notch
oh and a minor thing, that bugged me. there's these 2 huge floor lights in the area where blu spawns, they look really weird - position- and functionwise. i'd get rid of these and think about another detail or lighting solution
should be really exciting what you can come up with this map ! i'll be following