
PL Downfall b2a


L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

large changes, reworked into 3cp

-gutted area from b to c, converted to 3cp payload
-general changes to limit sightlines without choking up the map (most apparent at point b)
-reworked area before last (mirrored + rework)
-mirrored last, general rework (cool new elevator finale!)

1 year procrastination project, wanted to retain what people liked about a1 while fixing the obvious sightline + length issues.

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

a3 stuff things

-slightly changed A
-split B ramp into 2 interconnected ramps, point B is now in the middle
-some other small things at B
-slight respawn time adjustments
-slight changes to last
-general changes in healthkits and stuffs

elevator at last is a bit quirky but i dont think thats fixable given how payload collision works

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

completely new last, probably better!

spent a long time working on an elevator that would have the least amount of jank possible in the source engine and i think i accomplished that

  • remade last completely from scratch, featuring a much smoother and polished elevator
  • area after B and before C has been modified to better accomplish its goal of being a choke
  • relocated BLU's second spawn
  • the building before A has had some extra routes added to give BLU more options for attacking from said building
  • most areas...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

small changes, slower elevator

nothing big this time since the previous version played pretty well
  • the elevator's speed has been reduced, effect of stacking players slightly reduced
  • modified the routing from BLU first spawn area to first point, lowground route has been turned into a staircase to equal ground near the payload track
  • removed red side staircase to a building
  • modified B's choke to convert the building across the path into a walkable platform
  • added a window area to the choke at last to...

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L6: Sharp Member
Feb 25, 2019
Oops, the last playtest skipped the in mid of the match...

Anyway I just wanted to say I'm glad the cart has the particle light working!


L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

larger changes, larger elevator

- increased the width of the elevator, as well as changes to the speed and rollback
- this new elevator uses slightly modified logic which i hope doesnt break!
  • slight layout changes to last, side flank is now split into two levels
  • removed the wall on BLU side cubby at the last choke, generally opened up that area
  • added a rollback and turntable right in the house after A, with the intent to give RED more setup time at B
  • some changes to the starting area, specifically...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

shooting tails does damage

  • added a route at first from the center building to the side flank, closed off the furthest exit
  • added a small rollback at first
  • added a highground route right before B, to allow BLU access to the bridge. the crate has been removed, with the dividing building made thinner as compensation.
  • flattened the area at B, where RED spawns
  • slight changes to the area before last, attempted to choke up / limit sightlines without hindering movement

and remember, shooting...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

probably the last alpha!

  • increased height of the upper BLU spawn exit
  • adding a sliding door that slides after capping A, to improve flow from exiting BLU upper spawn
  • added another route to the large building after A, as well as increasing the space of the side flank
  • slight cover changes at B
  • improved the spaciousness of the building after B
  • the bridge from said building to the last flank has collapsed due to insufficient structural support
  • "interesting" new highground at last
  • flipped...

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L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:


  • textured almost everything except for some spawns
  • general detailing in most places (out of bounds detailing is for much later)
  • some more changes to the starting area, benefitting BLU team
  • first capture point has been moved back a bit
  • the bridge at the choke before B has been removed, with some geometry changes to prevent sightlines
  • changes to the highground route at the choke
  • removed a doorway near this choke, instead added a window to help spam out defenders...

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L1: Registered
Jun 3, 2024
When I played this, I thought the control points were very fun to play. The flow in between them is dynamic and no geometry dull. Great work!


L3: Member
Jul 31, 2018
pumpko updated Downfall with a new update entry:

beta 2, more overhauls

map's not dead

  • completely remade first half of A, including BLU spawn. should benefit BLU?
  • BLU has a forward spawn after capping A
  • completely remade the transitional space between B and Last, should actually feature some gameplay now
  • other small changes
  • more small changes that i forgot about probably?

there are probably small issues that i can fix with a later update, i just want to get this out before i lose all motivation again.

feel free to upload this to...

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