

L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
Thanks everyone for helping test my map. Ill try to figure out a way for the trip from spawn to end to be shorter, although i think itll be easier to add a second spawn where that bottom building that sticks out is next to the final point. Then have it act as a forward spawn ehen the opposing team pushes the cart to the tunnel. I think this will force the action more towards the latter areas, but also keep the team thats lagging on its toeas to catch up and disable the other teams first spawn.

I need ideas to help add cover to the final area though heres some pics.





L5: Dapper Member
Mar 6, 2009
Perhaps you can have some houses around the point since there seems to be a lot of open space there. Maybe that side route on the third picture to the right could lead into a house providing some cover? I might draw a mockup what I mean later to explain what I'm thinking of :)


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
It played very nicely, a forward spawn sounds perfect i didnt even think about that since its a plr. One people understand its a 1 stage plr they will realize its not to big.

Spawn camping was a problem as we saw but you already said you were working on it. So thats all i got for now.


L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
Perhaps you can have some houses around the point since there seems to be a lot of open space there. Maybe that side route on the third picture to the right could lead into a house providing some cover? I might draw a mockup what I mean later to explain what I'm thinking of :)

That would be awesome, just keep in mind the rock walls on the backside of the final capture area will all be gone soon, making way for open area outside of the play area for decoration.


L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
New pics, 1,2 and 4. I added a list of stuff that needs to get done before I release the next candidate


L420: High Member
Feb 1, 2009
As a whole, I really enjoyed the map but there are a few issues that will definately need to be looked at. People did a pretty good job of defending the checkpoint area and I really like being able to jump down from your spawn to the middle of the map.

Unfortuntely we had a lot problems with spawn camping. This is due to a few things. As a sniper, you can walk out of your spawn and point your rifle right at the other teams spawn door. As a soldier or demo, you can easaly jump accross the gap in between the spawns.

The best solution I can think of for this is to make it more difficult to jump from one spawn to the other and to move the spawn slightly so the door isn't directly facing the hole in the fence.

We had some issues with a couple spys/demos/pyros camping the cave area entrence. There are plenty of ways to negate this entrence and overcome this but when you add it to the other problems, it just became frustrating.

Anyway, people did seem to like it. It looks really nice and got rated well. With these few changes, I think you would be in good shape.



L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
As a whole, I really enjoyed the map but there are a few issues that will definately need to be looked at. People did a pretty good job of defending the checkpoint area and I really like being able to jump down from your spawn to the middle of the map.

Unfortuntely we had a lot problems with spawn camping. This is due to a few things. As a sniper, you can walk out of your spawn and point your rifle right at the other teams spawn door. As a soldier or demo, you can easaly jump accross the gap in between the spawns.

The best solution I can think of for this is to make it more difficult to jump from one spawn to the other and to move the spawn slightly so the door isn't directly facing the hole in the fence.

We had some issues with a couple spys/demos/pyros camping the cave area entrence. There are plenty of ways to negate this entrence and overcome this but when you add it to the other problems, it just became frustrating.

Anyway, people did seem to like it. It looks really nice and got rated well. With these few changes, I think you would be in good shape.

Already added a second spawn exit, and im working on a forward spawn.
I moved the spawn doors about 50 units closer to the cave to limit sniper camping the spawn exit(its still possible just alot harder). I hope to release a3 tonight.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
A3 sounds alot better especially the forward spawn. Il try it and get back to you.


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
**wall of text warning**

I played this on gameday today, but really there needs to be moar signs and somehow I got lost in the map (I admit my brain isn't functioning well but still...). In the first spawn I'd recommend sealing the path to the final area since it's not likely to reach there until the later parts of the map, and in defense it seems like it's really easy to get cliff-sniped from there from the other team. And you do have a forward spawn to help in defending the final area.

The map in general feels really complex imho. I'm not sure if that's the correct word but it seems like there's zillions of paths going to many places, and needs a lot of getting used to, for me at least.

But then the problem arrives, getting to the other side of the map in the forward spawn takes a long time and depending on the tide of battle, you might get stuck on your end of the map defending against the other team's cart. And your cart probably won't move for some time, since you need to get past the other team first.

In the end it became a big stalemate unfortunately. During play we said the map would play better if it were smaller in size. It's really, really big. Huge even.


Back from the dead (again)
Apr 25, 2009

Absolutely HUGE, the upper areas were never used, except for when me and a few snipers found it out to confuse other players where we were killing them from (I had a heavy circling round everywhere looking for me when I was right above him)

Signs are needed more.

Near the end, we had to change map because it was a severe deadlock. Maybe it was just our confusion, but it was impossible to get it through the final straight to the pit.


L420: High Member
Dec 5, 2008
I think the giant area at the end should be cut. Move the capture point for both teams up ALOT. Thats the area when everyone got confused and had long walks. Before that it was fun but definitely could use some work.


L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
Ok I watched the demo i see what you guy mean.

Ideas for changes:
Move forward spawn with little building covering it to the top and back of where that big garage door is. (should make the top area recieve more play)

Remove the second rollback

Add a cave that bypasses the center buildings at the second tier level from side to side

Look at health placement

Lower cliff in second area a few hundred units.

Lower all second area building to match.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jun 16, 2009
Just played this for gameday and wanted to share my thoughts.

First of all, Wow this is big! In most places it is too big and should honestly be brought down to being a couple of stages, the caves, the canyon at the bottom, and then the final area.

Also the final area's are just too far apart, they feel like two separate levels and I have to run FOREVER to get to the other level. It makes for pushing the cart to be a pain.

I do like the caves though, I think they add a nice bit of vertical game play that isn't seen often.

Also just the general size of it is too much, in each area there is a lot of open space, it makes it fairly hard as a pyro or spy and really easy as a sniper. Consider scaling down everything by a little bit.

I hope that helps, and I look forward to seeing future version. :)


L420: High Member
Dec 21, 2008
Yea I think a complete overhaul of the second area is gonna be needed. I didnt want to do it, but it seems i dont have a choice.


L5: Dapper Member
Apr 24, 2008
On this gameday I felt that the main problem would still reside in the last half of the map. I don't want to sound extreme but the last half should be scrapped in favor of the cave section (which I think is done well) and the parallel tracks right after the cave.

I also like the fact that you can drop down from the spawn area onto the tracks immediately below. A shortcut and ambush opportunity is good.

If you are going to keep the last section, I recommend having the buildings to the side of the first spawn closed (the ones that lead to the respective final areas). There is no need to visit that area until the enemy cart enters the second half of the map, and by that time the spawn room would've changed already. You don't want to confuse players by letting them go there.