
CTF ctf_mountains v1


L1: Registered
May 26, 2017
cp_mountains - A ctf map with mountains and a trench.

This is my own CTF map, with two mountains. On each mountain, there is a building with the flag in it. This map has bot support.

Fun fact: I saw myself in a dream, making this map. That is what this map is based off of.

Things I plan to do:
  • Fix a navigation problem that causes bots spawned in the Medic/Spy spawn to not move
  • Make the map more detailed
  • If possible, make the map more fun

Da Spud Lord

Occasionally I make maps
Mar 23, 2017
While it's fine to play on your map with bots, do note that any map designed around bot gameplay will likely play poorly with humans. Bots are generally dumber than human players, and are a poor representation of actual human behavior. Bots should be reserved for testing to make sure the game logic works, and nothing else- don't design and/or balance your map around bots. There is no substitute for real players.

If you want to see your map played with actual humans, read this post so you know the rules, and then submit your map to the TF2Maps.net Steam chat bot with this command:
!add <file name> <download link> <notes>
File Name: The name of your file, without the file extension.
Download Link: A direct link to the download on TF2Maps.net. You can get this link by right-clicking on the "Download Now" button at the top of this page and selecting "Copy link address" (or the equivalent option for your browser). (DO NOT use the link to this thread or the overview section!)
Notes: Any other notes that you want the admins to see.
So you would be submitting this:
I don't know if the chat bot likes .zip files though, so you might need to upload just the .bsp, unzipped and without the .nav. Most players don't use bots anyway, and the ones that do can generate their own, so excluding the .nav won't hurt.

Once you submit your map for testing, keep an eye out in the Steam group for when they announce a gameday (there's usually a big one on Saturdays, as well as a few others sprinkled throughout the week), join the server and wait for your map to show up. If you don't manage to make it for the testing of your map, or don't remember all the feedback, you can find feedback left by players here, as well as a demo file that allows you to watch the entire gameday as if you were spectating the match live.

Anyway, I'd download the map now to test it and give feedback, but I can't. I'll try and do that tomorrow. In the meantime, look at official Valve maps and popular community maps to see what they do. Figure out what works and what doesn't (gameplay and balance-wise), and use that knowledge to improve your own maps. If you search hard enough, you'll find some posts talking about gameplay theory and how to make a good layout.

Also, the name of the thread incorrectly calls the map cp_mountains, when it should be ctf_mountains.


L1: Registered
May 26, 2017
BTW, the reason I made it bot-compatible is for this reason:
A lot of the time, I am without internet (It's hell, I know.), and still want to play tf2, but, of course, having nobody to play with, resort to using bots. Thanks, btw.