
CTF ctf_charon b3


Mar 15, 2018
ctf_holyfuckaghost - A neutral CTF map with a spooky objective

Fuel the machine with the lost spirits from the tomb! Fight to the death! Run through hell! Try not to wet yourself from being so knee-shakingly terrified! Boo!

ctf_holyfuckaghost is a small neutral CTF map where teams must take the flag - a ghost! - to a large machine. The flag scares all nearby players, including the courier, so teams will have to work together to succeed. On capture, the machine will activate, triggering one of four random events.

It's technically a bastardised special delivery mode, but "sd_" overrides the CTF score counter HUD.


Mar 15, 2018
tl;dr fixed shit

- fixed the doors
rename tool didn't rename shit :)
- fixed hell exit teleports lodging people in ceilings
- fixed hell entry teleport hitbox
turns out point_push with a negative force doesn't pull players off of the ground until they jump.
- hell entry teleport now puts teams in separate positions
players will no longer get stuck on eachother
- fixed players getting stuck in the resupply warps
had a janky trigger setup, oops. this is what i get for making most of this map past many, many midnights
- opened up middle building and expanded middle a bit
- added some cover around tomb area
- added small team battlements
- added tf_glow to ghost that changes colour based on team ownership of flag
- improved lighting

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L1: Registered
Jun 7, 2015
Hi! A community server I frequent recently ran a map test of new halloween/event type maps.

I went into this map expecting not to like it but it was actually one of my favorites of the night, and it was the only map that we went back to play a second time.

Some comments/feedback people had (*=my comments)
o Consider blocking off the ramp room outside spawn; players didn't like having enemies climb up behind their spawn.
o Because the ghost gets locked into one team for a bit once it's grabbed, it felt too easy to grab the ghost. One player suggested making it physically more difficult to reach the ghost (i.e. atop a pile of props). I thought it would be nice if you had to spend a few seconds "capturing" the neutral ghost before you could take it.
* Not a fan of the just-barely-swimmable water.
* In general I thought the spawns were clunky; there was even an exit that required a 180° turn after spawning to use!


Mar 15, 2018

- changed name from ctf_holyfuckaghost to ctf_charon
- separated team hell warps
- tweaked clipping in hell
- fixed env_shakes not affecting airborne players
- added unique machine sequence for round-ending capture
had to squish the timings because you can't extend humiliation time or delay the win at all. please appreciate the hours i wasted testing possible workarounds for this that went nowhere
- adjusted sewers
- cleaned up the flag logic a bit
- clipped doorframes
- manually clipped computers
vphys was a bit off and had a few bits you could get caught on
- visleaf optimisation
- added cubemaps
- Secret Mystery Addition ;)
- art pass!

BLU Manor Assets: Krazy
Extol Assets: Yrrzy
Spytech Disc Racks, Catlamp: ASG
Halloween Resupply Locker: DatGmann, Blaholtzen
Dev2 Textures: Skylark
Frontline! Assets: Badgerpig, Bapaul, Chaofanatic, Colteh, Donhonk, Hyperchaotix, Neodement, Populus, Retro, Ryan, SediSocks, Sky, Square, Vap, Void, Zobot
Generic Industrial Sign Packs: Urban
Danger: Warning Sign Pack: Ravidge

if i've missed some credits, let me know!

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
This map's pretty neat. Here's some feedback:
-Really odd reflections on the floor behind these doors
-Blu's ghost hud seems to be missing
-clip the sides smooth
-These paintings still have their hangers on them even though they aren't attached to anything. Maybe edit the prop and remove it?
-Messed up lighting or misaligned textures, not sure which
-THIS is freaken AWESOME! A fantastic underworld that's visually stunning, not too complicated to navigate, and doesn't overstay it's welcome
-I'm not sure about the underworld exit popping out players RIGHT by the ghost/flag. I feel like that will make it very annoying to try and get through for whoever isn't ubered
-Why can't I get up here? There's nothing to indicate this is a blocked off area and it's really odd
-Really not a fan of these purple signs. Perhaps they would be better without the harsh light. Come to think of it the map overall is oddly purple and I'm not a huge fan of that
-While this sequence is really cool the first time, it gets kinda old somewhere after the 5th. Perhaps find a way to shorten it without losing the impact
-The soundscape in here has animal noises and I'm guessing it's from merc park. I'd suggest making a custom soundscape that's an edited version removing them
-I really don't like how I spawn facing away from the rest of the map. Perhaps make this general space and move the spawn area behind the doors in the first image I posted here
-use info_lighting to fix the dark prop here
-clip it smooth
-I can see the nodraw textures under these stairs in blu spawn
-A lot of stairs in this map have really messy textures
-If you pick up the ghost/flag while reloading, you'll be stuck in the reload animation where the game will keep trying to reload but never actually do it due to your character being scared. I'll keep trying to play the animation and replay the reload sound till you either drop the flag or cap it. Dunno what can be done about this
-Weird to see these props used like this while they still have their brackets for walls. Perhaps edit them and remove the brackets so it makes more sense.

Overall the maps pretty cool but It feels kinda small. I understand it's length is shorter due to having to walk slowly while frightened with the ghost/flag but it really feels like there's an area in the map that's missing. I do like the random events that can happen such as pumpkin bombs spawning or the HHH showing up instead of the underworld portal, but these seem to happen very rarely and I imagine wouldn't happen at all in most rounds. Don't know if that's on purpose or not, just thought I'd mention it.


Mar 15, 2018
ty for the feedback, i really appreciate it! duly noted, will have a lot of this stuff fixed up for b2. glad you liked the underworld!

there are eight underworld exits spread evenly across the map, selected by randomshuffle. players get spread pretty evenly, and this hasn't been much of a problem in playtests to where i'm comfortable leaving it as is for the moment.
can't do much about the reloading bug, unfortunately. that just sorta happens when players get spooked.
the events are a randomshuffle between 2 entries for the crits, 2 for the portal, 1 for HHH, and 1 for bombs. the latter two last a lot longer so i don't want them to duplicate, hence the rarity.
i don't know how to de/recompile source models, and the issues with the conduit poles and paintings are minor enough that it's probably fine to leave it as is.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
ty for the feedback, i really appreciate it! duly noted, will have a lot of this stuff fixed up for b2. glad you liked the underworld!

there are eight underworld exits spread evenly across the map, selected by randomshuffle. players get spread pretty evenly, and this hasn't been much of a problem in playtests to where i'm comfortable leaving it as is for the moment.
can't do much about the reloading bug, unfortunately. that just sorta happens when players get spooked.
the events are a randomshuffle between 2 entries for the crits, 2 for the portal, 1 for HHH, and 1 for bombs. the latter two last a lot longer so i don't want them to duplicate, hence the rarity.
i don't know how to de/recompile source models, and the issues with the conduit poles and paintings are minor enough that it's probably fine to leave it as is.
idk how to decompile and recompile either so you can probably get someone to help you with that. It's interesting to hear that a things are connected to pickrandomshuffle since a lot of the time I got the same underworld exit location and almost always had the portal show up.


Mar 15, 2018
that's interesting. maybe you just got unlucky with it. did a portal appear more than twice per round?


L4: Comfortable Member
May 19, 2019
Wow, this got out of alpha ridiculously quickly.


Mar 15, 2018
right? going from a3 straight to b1 feels weird and wrong, though all the playtest feedback was a resounding "yeah it's pretty alright". i guess gimmicky halloween maps are held to a lower standard, haha.


Mar 15, 2018

- more clearly indicated that machine base is clipped off
- added music cues for ghost appear and return
- put HUD materials in the map somewhere to ensure they pack
- fixed RED wood materials in BLU side of computer area
- fixed visible nodraw under spawn stairs
- fixed thunder and animal noises in computer area soundscape
was using a merc park one. duplicated it and deleted all the non-computery sounds.
- fixed broken lighting on the bottom of some doorways between computer area and spawns.
- adjusted purple sign lights
- slightly lowered HDR scale on the machine's env_lightglow
- added sprite glows to battlements lightbulbs
- added sprite glows and slight ambient lighting to sewer lightbulbs
- fixed weird reflections in out-of-bounds areas near back spawn doors
- fixed a weirdly spaced jackolantern in hell
- adjusted position of the big pumpkin in hell
- smoothed corner on stair trims out of spawns
- clipped trim in spawns
- fixed a cobweb casting shadows
- unfucked textures on the undersides of stairs to battlements
- fixed some weirdness with the light from the jackolantern on the BLU shed roof
- (mostly) fixed the lighting seam on the ground in front of the machine

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Mar 15, 2018

- removed HHH
there's now another chance for the hell portal to appear instead.
- the flag (ghost) now only scares the courier
- fixed flag return time resetting to default, is now 15s (was defaulting to 30)
didn't notice until now that it was taking way longer than 15s to return. turns out (in special delivery mode?) you have to set it OnDrop. cool. good. thanks.
- added text explaining the objective of the map on round start
- leaf optimisation attempt
good fucking god this sucks to do
- added cubemap to mid building
- spawns face toward the window again
- renamed all unique assets to use new map name

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L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
It appears that you've set up the map to execute its logic OnMapStart. This makes the map break on community servers that have longer waiting for players times, the ghost will become impossible to pick up. I recommend you change this to OnMultiNewRound.


Mar 15, 2018
The gamemode logic in Charon is based on the ABS special delivery prefab, which was probably based off of Doomsday's logic. I trust that to work, and there's probably a reason it uses OnMapStart instead of OnMultiNewRound. SD is weird enough a hack of CTF anyway that there might well be.

I probably won't be touching this map for a long while anyway, fixing this issue isn't a priority. If this is an issue with item_teamflag in general, make sure to tell Valve about it.

Edit: mp_waitingforplayers_time is locked by default. Tell Valve or whoever makes your server plugins - this bug isn't my problem at all.
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