ctf arena mode


L1: Registered
Jun 17, 2021
another similar idea i had from 3cp/5cp arena mode, where both teams need to either eliminate or capture the flag in order to let both team respawn except for the third flag capture. capturing the flag cause a the team to gain crits for few seconds then its better to just disable it, even better if there's no first blood mechanic so players focus on the objective or eliminate enemies as soon as possible


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2020
In the normal CTF barely anyone does the objective, and the Arena mode will make it even less objective-focused. In the normal Arena, control point exists just to stop people from hiding all around the map; this means that CP of the map is not the primary thing. But since your concept tries to make flags the primary thing, that'll lead to more split teams and more useless deaths; so that will make players realize that there is no point in trying to win by objective and they'll just continue the deathmatch

All of this was assuming that you'll do typical CTF map with caps on opposite corners of the map. But here's what I can suggest: place an enemies' flag really close to spawns and make the cap area somewhere in the middle of the map closer to enemies' area. That will actually reward risky teams with more kills and will encourage players to play more mindful to not let the cap happen on the opposite team. Though, my guess is that it'll be hard to make this work good

Let me know if you'll actually want to make this kind of map, because if you don't, I would really love to try making it!


L1: Registered
Jun 17, 2021
can you draw a simple layout concept because i need to know about the middle cap area, where and how its going to work, i was thinking the flag should be placed anywhere as long as its in the enemies area and being captured on their own base, idk how to make a gamemode logic or even vscript but i would like to know if anyone here can make one


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2020
Here's how It could've looked like on Double Cross

And the logic you should figure out yourself; I think it should be possible with normal game entities


Sep 5, 2014