
CP cp_logjam rc12f


L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
From RC5:

Replaced the box stairs @ 2nd with a ramp.

Lowered the main lobby exit onto 2nd's door height to remove a silly sightline when crouched.

Removed the blast barricade prop in lobby to give more space, less splashbug. Added a small wall on height to mimick it's sightline blocking.

Added a window out of upper left exit of last to gain height onto point.

Moved forward spawns at 2nd back up into the lobby building's structure.

Removed the bigass wall from last.

Added high ground on the right side of last (defender's perspective)

Added a raised walkway around last cap point

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L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
Made some fixes from b4nny's live stream.

- Disabled collision on a chimney above choke to remove the hilarious roamer spot.
- Lowered the main lobby exit some more to further mitigate sightlines
- Adjusted location of health/ammo on 2nd to space it further from lobby.
- Removed ghost clipping and a floating block in lobby
- Fixed a glitched out areaportal in the roof of lobby.
- Adjusted a cliff wall in cave that fixed a sightline to lobby.
- Removed glass from the last point tube.
- Lowered the window out of lobby to 2nd and adjusted the roof line to make it easier to get up to.
- Added a fence on the ramp by 2nd's battlements to remove sightlines from forward spawn.
- Added a box at last and adjusted the walls in lobby to mitigate the sightline from spawn door to lobby when pushing in on the right side of last.

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L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
Here's pictures of the current official version of cp_logjam_rc5 to be used in Ozfortress this season.

rc6pre2 is the current WIP version.

Note for you serious artsy mapper types out there, yes the version type is RC but it's not very polished anymore. We're messing around with finicky little competitive mapping things and I like to iterate through ideas quickly without a lot of detail, so the detail is varied throughout the map at this time. Once we're slightly more concrete, I'll do a final artpass.

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L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
Making more modifications... getting closer.

Fixed a fair amount of clipping around, should be less dumb spots.

Biggest change was moving the arch at cave back towards cave to allow easier bombing out of cave.

Also changed sightline blocking at last - made it a brick instead of boxes for smoother gameplay, better height, less splashbug.

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L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
raised the bridge over choke and clipped it more aggressively
replaced the big rock on mid with a shed that is better used for high ground
fixed a floating block of concrete at last
Fixed a broken displacement on second by spire
fixed some several year old z-fighting on saw room exterior.
fixed some broken trim at 2nd that was eating splash

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lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
I'm glad to see that you fixed that sightline at second, but the inclusion of this even stronger spot that gets to see every entrance doesn't quite make sense to me. I haven't played since like RC2 though so it might be fine.
Still pertaining to that sniper spot too, why did you decide to make it a convoluted set of crates instead of just a ramp? It just feels like old Sunshine last in terms of navigation, things just are needlessly unwieldy to a fault.

The lobby still feels like a bit of a mess to me, never have I liked the amount of doorways and entrances to every area and the overall poor scaling in the post lobby doesn't help the feeling that most areas are just made to be spam boxes.
A lot of the time it feels like players are fighting in the uninteresting, flat doorway-spammed rooms that make up most of the transitions in the level. It's kinda just Box - Choke - Box - Choke - Gullywash last.

It also feels like flanking and holding flanks is depreciated since they all lead into the same areas, standing in a single location on mid gives you complete dominion over every choke point an enemy soldier could bomb from- and they almost never get a height advantage, just the same, flat, boring entrances that everyone else gets.
Compare this to something like Badlands, where pushing into second is a matter of choke play while trying to hold valley down to stop flank plays. If they don't, the soldier gets many places to bomb from, and can even sneak up behind the combo if communication is lacking between team members.
Meanwhile in Logjam- a miscommunication or misplay can never happen when fighting for second, all can be fixed by a Demoman looking in a certain direction. Even maps like Snakewater make it so misplaying/miscommunication can turn into a devastating strategic loss, since a Demoman/Pocket can't cover every entrance without giving up ground they can't afford.

Also, minor nitpick that has nothing to do with the gameplay- but the scenery makes absolutely zero logical sense a lot of the time. You have a train line that would collide with itself, is seemingly unable to be accessed by humans and doesn't feel feasible at all. The height of your buildings and cliffs seem to betray the rest of the scenery around the level.
Basically what i'm chanting here is cohesiveness, the map right now seems to take a lot of visual ideas from a lot of maps and just smears them into something that doesn't work.

Overall, I enjoy playing the map- but only because the areas between the chokes offer MGE-styled gameplay that scratches an itch. But when compared to Badlands, Snakewater, or even something as strategically simple as Process it just doesn't hit the mark. I'd suggest reaching out to medics and asking their opinions on certain areas of the map. I'd hazard a guess that they feel very safe a lot of the time, which would certainly be punctuated by the fact that communication has such a low impact on the map.


L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
Wanted to clean logjam up a bit for it's official rc7 release. Still have a couple minor issues on my list but pretty happy with it at this point.

fixed the catwalk around last point not lining up with itself
added trim at the big block on the right side of last
added more trim in the upper left exit of last
added mashed potatoe.
added actual light props to the upper left exit of last
added more trim in lobby
fixed dark logs in logroom
detailed logroom a bit more
added trim on the concrete block at mid
detailed the shed a bit more on 2nd
added trim at the ramp on 2nd
made the pillars at choke flush to the walls
fixed some textures on wood trim at 2nd
deleted the logs that didn't fit in with the theme at 2nd
added the trees back


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L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
cp_logjam ->rc8
-adjusted the doorway at the building on cave and adjusted the geometry in the building itself to make it easier to clear when pushing out of 2nd
-fixed being able to stand on a roof above cave's building exit
-drastically raised the height of the bridge at choke. Need to keep it to prevent ridiculously high bombs azzwzwaznd for optimization sake, but this should allow better high bombs through choke
-adjusted the location of the sheds on mid
-raised the level of one of the exits of logroom on mid to help flank players pushing into mid
-increased 2nd point cap time from "6 seconds" to "7.5 seconds"
-raised the roof! at left side pushing into last, made the door into last larger
-blocked off the cubby in saw
-got rid of a few useless props in lobby
-adjusted the sightline and width of the door pushing into right side of last
-added a window above shutter at last

screens here: https://imgur.com/a/hctZ3Hw

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L3: Member
Jun 16, 2009
-moved the HP from left mid to be right by the ammo
-reverted logroom's upper exit to RC7 (flatter)
-moved small ammo off of the arch on mid and moved it closer to the huts
-adjusted the concrete blocks on mid to make it a bit more open and easier to move up to them
-made a fence in cave continue a bit for splash bug purposes
-removed some useless props in cave
-did a little clip fix on mid
-cleaned up some props in logroom
-adjusted the fence by logroom on 2nd to prevent splashbug
-adjusted clipping to fix an exploit in cave
-fixed clipping on a hut on 2nd
-fixed bumping your head on a roof by logroom
-fixed a roof you could stand on cave
-fixed a clipping on a hut on 2nd
-made a part of spire opaque
-adjusted clip on the roof of saw
-not some windows in saw not solid
-adjusted a big beam by spawn to fix some splash bug
-changed the way the pipes on the back side of last connect to ground to fix splash bug
-removed some pointless crates on last
-removed some of the crate stairs in upper left lobby, adjusted the propsand added a fence for better splash
-adjusted the geometry of secret to be smoother
-simplified / smoothed geometry by choke to aid high bombs
-adjusted the location of the HP/ammo in logroom
-removeda ledge above window
-smoothed out the path out of window
-clipped the vents above lobby
-blocked off the cubby in saw
-slightly raised underneath point and raised it's roof at mid
-fixed more shitty clipping in cave
-adjusted the angle of the roof on the houses on mid
-added blockbullets to the logramp on mid
-fixed some holes in the displacements in cave
-fixed some shitty geometry by the logs on mid

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