

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
I started this map over a year ago, but then went on a hiatus from TF2 for a while. I figured I should update it now that KotH is an official gametype.

This is a koth map set in an office building. The CP is in the basement. There are some nifty clocks on the walls.


Toilet model by Scott "Buddikaman" Petty (
Gray skins for control point signs by TheBladeRoden
TF2Maps poster overlays by Mark "Shmitz" Major
Last edited:


Jul 31, 2009
Screnshots are a bit choppy.
It looks nice, I love the monitors on the wall telling the times. How did you manage that?


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
Glad to see you starting this one back up again !


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
I think you should turn up the brightness on your lights, atleast in the office parts. It Makes the white concrete and bright textures look a lot cleaner.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
I love the monitors on the wall telling the times. How did you manage that?
Each digit is a separate func_brush. A logic_timer decrements a math_counter and then, based on the counter's value, a logic_case disables the previous digit and enables the next one.

When I first created this map it was only possible to show one timer in the HUD, so the wall clocks were to let the players know the times for each team.

Darth Cyrax

L2: Junior Member
Nov 29, 2008
Not sure what your policy on names is regarding who has priority, but he says he started it a year ago and it's on fpsbanana, which says it was added 2 years ago.

It's overall a very fun map, though spawn camping can become a problem. The vents are very fun to use to flank the enemy team.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 8, 2009
I remember playing this map last year on the No Heroes KOTH server. Great map. The texturing looks a little boring at times but the gameplay is great


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
The point was confusing to reach, but the map played well. Maybe add a more direct route that didn't cross through the main office.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
I'm going to try out another set of vents, so that office floor could be skipped completely. It would branch off and drop the players near the bathrooms.

A direct route from the spawn area to the ground floor would be difficult because then the routes for the two teams wouldn't be equal. On my map the top two floors are symmetrical but the bottom two aren't.

Also, I'm concerned that the CP is too easy to defend, would like to hear some opinions on that. Maybe shorter capture time or increased round time?


Currently On: ?????
Sep 28, 2009
I felt that the map played well like it is. It was those key defensive moves that really made the map for me.


L3: Member
Sep 18, 2008
I however certainly found it to be very defensible - you can only really attack it from one side, and the ways down are all low visibility stairs and vents meaning they can always see you first.
I found it extremely unintuitive to find because it was so isolated from the rest of the map. Not being able to see guess where it might be or see it initially made things fairly difficult, and so did the fact the point was so removed from the bulk of the combat. I found a lot of fighting was on the office floor, while the time slowly ticked away beneath us, unable to be reached and by no means on the minds of those fighting above. This would, i think work as arena or even a L4D survival map, but I think In KOTH the central point should be the focus of the combat.

That's not to say we didn't have fun with it, only that it took a bit of getting used to


Jan 6, 2008
I liked the idea of this map, good use of textures and all that, and the layout is a great idea - if a little flawed. I just found the basement way too easy to defend, not because of that area itself, but because getting down there is a challenge in itself. The teams spawn really close, which means they tend to roam around all over the above floors. The office area was really bad when it came to spam. Demomen could just spam grenades into the office, and Pyros were hard to notice before they had burned you to death. I think this could be solved by making it so you cant see from one spawn to the other, and by adding stairs that go from the office to the second floor without having to go into the office itself.


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 6, 2009
Visually, I really like this map. Gameplay wise, I think it needs work.

Again, I like how it looks, but the "office" level ends up being demo-spam land, with the demos able to spam grenades over the office stalls safe from anything but other demos. The area between the stalls is too cramped for most classes to move comfortably, so it tends to become sheer "grind". Inversely the bottom level is way too open and big, making it incredibly difficult to take over once one team sets up shop there.

Map has potential though, but it needs some changes in those levels.


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
Again, I like how it looks, but the "office" level ends up being demo-spam land, with the demos able to spam grenades over the office stalls safe from anything but other demos. The area between the stalls is too cramped for most classes to move comfortably, so it tends to become sheer "grind".
Right now four of the cubicle walls are breakable, perhaps if more of the cubicles were destructible it would lessen this issue? Plus the addition of the vents I mentioned above.


L6: Sharp Member
Jul 6, 2009
Right now four of the cubicle walls are breakable, perhaps if more of the cubicles were destructible it would lessen this issue? Plus the addition of the vents I mentioned above.

Perhaps. Will have to play it to know it to be honest.

Remember though, once something breaks in this engine, it stays broken for the most part... And while breaking stuff creates a very interesting situation, you can end up with a barren flat surface if you make everything breakable.

That said, I'm not saying what you did was bad, I have to play it first, just a heads up that as far as layout goes, you should count your breakables as non-existent... Because they will be at some point.


Sep 10, 2008
fyi, Shorter capture times technically makes the point easier to capture, but doesn't necessarily mean it's easier to make a comeback