The contest ends on May 25th, 8:00 pm UTC [Check your timezone!]
Countdown: [link]
When the submission time is up, this thread will be closed and no more entries will be allowed in! (I mean it).
Your submission should be posted (in this thread) in the following format:
Be sure you've read the rules and double check everything yourself before submitting your entry. Maps that don't comply with the rules will be disqualified.
Full list of the rules can be found here [thread]15962[/thread]
You are allowed to update your submission as many times as you like before the deadline.
After the deadline, there will be a 72 hour grace period to fix any critical errors and mistakes. This will be handled on a case by case basis. The grace period is not "extra time", it's a safety net to prevent crashing servers and broken map logic.
To update your entry during the grace period you must send both your original submitted version and your new updated version to me in a forum PM. The update will of course need a unique version number/name.
This thread is for submissions only. Any unrelated post will get deleted. If you have questions, send them to me (Ravidge) in a PM.
EDIT: To make things clear; There will be NO medals or ingame items handed out for this competition.
Countdown: [link]
When the submission time is up, this thread will be closed and no more entries will be allowed in! (I mean it).
Your submission should be posted (in this thread) in the following format:
Author: (forum name please)
Map name: (full filename please. Uppercase letters are forbidden)
Screenshot: (link only, no watermarks, names, HUD, weapons, JUST map. As high a resolution as you can please)
Download: (single zip or bz2 archive containing nothing other than the .bsp, don't forget to pack in any custom content)
Be sure you've read the rules and double check everything yourself before submitting your entry. Maps that don't comply with the rules will be disqualified.
Full list of the rules can be found here [thread]15962[/thread]
You are allowed to update your submission as many times as you like before the deadline.
After the deadline, there will be a 72 hour grace period to fix any critical errors and mistakes. This will be handled on a case by case basis. The grace period is not "extra time", it's a safety net to prevent crashing servers and broken map logic.
To update your entry during the grace period you must send both your original submitted version and your new updated version to me in a forum PM. The update will of course need a unique version number/name.
This thread is for submissions only. Any unrelated post will get deleted. If you have questions, send them to me (Ravidge) in a PM.
EDIT: To make things clear; There will be NO medals or ingame items handed out for this competition.
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