CP Coldfront

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Mar 23, 2010
I know I'm a troll and my opinion doesn't matter, and everything i say is to spark a flamewar which will give me my glorious trollgasm, but this has become one of my fav 5CP's over the last while.

I kind of think 3-2 is fine, but if you want it to be quicker, you could make the battles last a shorter time by removing health or cover, but it there really isn't much health around 3-2 or cover so i have no idea. just a thought.

Dumb areas that you can get stuck (the sign on 3-2, and the ramps up to the "battlements" at mid): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7479925/cp_coldfront0001.jpg

theres a couple of places by the sign, and its really random how you get stuck.....

Not sure about this either. agree with removing short walls, or um shortening them.



Sep 10, 2008
Having the walls made it easier to approach the point

That's the point. It was way too easy to flank around the enemy unnoticed and just back-cap. It makes defending with any less than a full team incredibly difficult. The walls were also really annoying in shielding any sentries build next to the crates.

Overall I want last to be easier to hold with a small group of people, but harder to full-on turtle.
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Aug 10, 2009
I think last could definitely use a good sentry spot that would provide solid cover of the point, and would additionally be somewhat easy to defend. Such a spot could be a rally point for smaller and bigger teams, but restricting available spots could make last much harder to turtle.


Aug 14, 2009
The walls also provided places for scouts to corner pistol sentries and demos to lob stickies over them. Sentries by the crates are pretty easy to down. Best places for sentries are actually near the entrances to the last point; that makes it hard to get through without an uber + team push since you can't take out the sentries easily through the doorways.

Personally I don't find coldfront any easier to backcap than badlands.

Coldfront is easily my fav map, btw. :)


Citizen Snips

L3: Member
Apr 8, 2010
I was always confused how some of the sliding doors open when you walk through and close once you pass them, and some open when you walk through and stay open. The ones that stay open should either close back down, or the doors should be removed altogether.


L420: High Member
Aug 26, 2010
Engies jumping on mid point's house are annoying.
Enough space for lvl 3 sentry up there = pls no.

@last cp - it might be hard to defend but in reality on typical-blob servers there are usually 3-5 engineers for some reason loving to camp there, it's no fun to defend for any other class tho


Sep 11, 2013
I was always confused how some of the sliding doors open when you walk through and close once you pass them, and some open when you walk through and stay open. The ones that stay open should either close back down, or the doors should be removed altogether.

Disagree with this. Gorge does it too and I like it a lot.

As for sentries on the middle cap? Never seen it and doesn't sound bad; that's really exposed. Similarly never seen 5 engies on the final point. Sounds like a bad server.


L420: High Member
Aug 26, 2010
As for sentries on the middle cap? Never seen it and doesn't sound bad; that's really exposed. Similarly never seen 5 engies on the final point. Sounds like a bad server.

Never seen 5 engies on one point? Maybe continent difference :rolleyes:
The sentries at mid house are totally bunkered, getting there feels a bit glitchy that's all, slightly player point of view feedback from me


Sep 10, 2008
I really loved the new last. the improved visibility solved both my problems:

-Last is now harder to full-on turtle with exposed sentry spots. Previously problematic sentries can now be outranged.
-Last is now easier to defend with a small force. No more backcaps since you can always see who is approaching

I also like the new 2nd location, teams can cap now without having to worry about watching a 270 degree angle. Backcaps seem to occur less often. The new railing does provide some much needed cover for those queuing up the healthpack

Midpoint still isn't as solid as I'd like it to be. I might try adjusting the spawn times to reduce the constant and repeated recaps of mid.

I might try another test something in the near future.


L2: Junior Member
Jul 3, 2010
I liked the test, especially backstabbing you and capping last :p, but anyway, just have two small things, some of the lamps at 2nd point is still hovering in the air, and I didn't like the black texture on the new railings at 2nd.


L1: Registered
Oct 12, 2010
I love the new last point. Despite the walls maybe originally being intended to protect attackers, the lack of some is a nice change, providing some small higher ground and a more open and fun area.

I <3 the small ammo packs on the ledges at mid. Although not incredibly useful, they are adorable and a good use of space.

Regarding the area with the new small railing. The barrier itself is somewhat odd and inconvenient. Crouch jumping goes right over it (Wheeeeee!) and I am unsure of how much protection it provides for the health pack. If it could be made less weird/ugly it could be alright. Maybe use a convenient prop or box/es instead?

I did have this idea but now it seems daft. You would have to put a ramp next to or inside it and sentries would be built all over it, although they would probably be build behind the railing wall anyway. I was just considering the posibility of unifying those ramps and wall to make the area smoother, but it's probably just unneeded high ground for the area.
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L2: Junior Member
Jul 2, 2010
This is a really awesome map The Dr.Strangelove inspiration in the main spawn room really got me you did an awesome job. I love the snow storm particles in fact I'm using them In a metal gear map I'm currently working on. I used a lot of them in one area to produce a blizzard effect I cant thank you enough for those particles man. I do hope you can allow me to use them anyway....

Screen shot
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Sep 11, 2013
It's not a global update. It's a test version before possibly updating the standard version.
Feb 14, 2008
Is it possible to see a change in how the spawns work? Currently when a team of 6 spawns, they spawn to the left side of the spawn, which is inconvenient because the fastest route to mid is down the right. Additionally, can you slightly increase the range of the resupply cabinets, as they feel slightly too short at the moment.


Sep 10, 2008
This is a really awesome map The Dr.Strangelove inspiration in the main spawn room really got me you did an awesome job. I love the snow storm particles in fact I'm using them In a metal gear map I'm currently working on. I used a lot of them in one area to produce a blizzard effect I cant thank you enough for those particles man. I do hope you can allow me to use them anyway....

Screen shot

Technically, Valve owns the rights to them now, but I wouldn't mind either way :)