- The score requirement per player has been decreased from 5 to 4
- Stun duration from roof ghosts is now much shorter
- Added push triggers and clips around some of the jump pad destinations
- Players will enter the destinations a little easier
- Prevents snipers from standing in unfair spots
- Added collisions to underworld circus tents to prevent players flying through them
- Moved underworld exit teleporters further up to prevent cores sometimes being dropped...
- Redid scoring mechanic and the hoop
- The capture zone has been replaced with an underworld portal that occasionally lets players into the bumper kart race underworld
- The hoop is now the capture zone, which is always active, taking 5 cores at once
- Removed the hoop effect re-roll mechanic
- The hoop now applies a universal quickheal and speed buff
- Reworked the jump pads...
- Added music to the kart race
- Fixed some displacements clipping through the track on the kart race
- Fixed incorrect fog being enabled when dying in the kart race
- Fixed poles at mid being too dark
Circus b1
- Remade the hoop
- The hoop is no longer the capture area
- The hoop now grants cores for successfully jumping through, like a6
- Replaced the large health kit inside The Hoop with a model of the new pickup, "Funny Bones"
- The Hoop now provides a quickheal buff
- Remade the underworld
- The underworld is now the capture area...
Circus B2
- Improved FPS
- Added a sprite above the mid portal, pointing players to where they should take cores
- Reduced max health buff in the Clown Core
- Added steam that boosts players up to the exit portal when the Clown Core closes
- Added red fog that signifies the Laughing Gas
- Reduced DPS of the Laughing Gas
- Updated the HUD to make it compatible with custom HUDs (Thanks Aar!)
- The Clown Core now stays open 15 less, and downtime is active for 15 seconds longer...
Circus B3
- Massively improved FPS
- Fixed props popping in and out
- Changed color of underworld smoke particles to better fit the gas
- Slightly reduced laughing gas damage
- Shifted geometry around each team's battlements to make stairs less campable
- Detailing tweaks
- Replaced the spells inside the clown core with medium health kits
- Removed the small health kits from the clown core
- Removed the max health buff from the clown core
- Adjusted clipping in spawn
- Adjusted glass at jump pad locations
- Reduced some jump pad trigger sizes so you're less likely to approach them from an unideal angle
- Fixed some jump pad particles activating when they weren't supposed to
- Adjusted hoop core reward trigger to reduce duplicate...